
(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

SVP don't change refresh rate, but you can adjust autochange monitor mode (with refresh rate) with MPC settings: menu View - Options... - Fullscreen - Use autochange fullscreen monitor mode option.

I think it will help you in both cases a) and b)

Clear Motion
Уплавнение еле заметное.

К сожалению, полноценных вставленных кадров с промежуточным положением стрелки мы не увидели, хотя что-то там и интерполируется, по крайней мере в случае файлов с 24, 25 и 30 кадр/с. Визуальная оценка показала, что только для файлов с 30 кадр/с есть какое-то улучшение плавности, так как для 24 и 25 кадр/с наличие множества артефактов нивелирует положительный эффект.

Обсуждалось в ветке Аппаратное уплавнение, там же ссылка на обзор.

Ok. I see.
I will check BD3D ISO rip with last versions of stereoscopic player and PotPlayer. They are compatible to SVP.
And of course you can try both these players yourself. wink

SVP has limit: only one video can be smoothed at once.

simply removing the Subtitle "dot invocation" would remove the little yellow subtitle
Yes. You did it right.

If your video has 'backward dupped' frames then you need to use GameDropFix_v4 script. It calculates motions in each frame and know about real frames position near every dropped frame.

In april'2014 was some workaround about BD3D support. But it is not finished.
I need more details. What player do you use to play BD3D?

not a clip
Looks like your AVI is not a real AVI. Try DSS2 + avss.dll

It is function of MaskTools2 plugin. Copy masktools.dll to plugins folder.

It must work if you have mvtools2.dll in plugins folder.
Try to open script in AvsPmod. And I need exact AviSynth error message to help you.

Ok. I see.

I think wrong P-frames is encoder issue.
What tool do you use to analyze P- B- and I-frames in the stream?

Try to use original DoubleDropFix_v3.avs:

global frame_50 = MFlowInter(sc,vb,vf,time=50).SubTitle("Fix-50", size=12, align=3)
global frame_33 = MFlowInter(sc,vb,vf,time=33).SubTitle("Fix-33", size=12, align=3).trim(1,0)
global frame_66 = MFlowInter(sc,vb,vf,time=66).SubTitle("Fix-66", size=12, align=3)
global frame_src = last
global mini=sc.crop(8,height+8*3,width/2,height/2).TemporalSoften(1, 1, 0, scenechange=1, mode=2)
global luma_drop=mini.mt_lut(y=-1, u=128, v=128)
\ dif_next1=mini.trim(1,0).ydifferencefromprevious()
\ dif_prev1=(mini.trim(1,1)+mini).ydifferencefromprevious()
\ dif_nextMax=max(max(dif,dif_next1)/8,0.01)
\ dif_prevMax=max(max(dif,dif_prev1)/8,0.01)
\ dif>min(dif_prevMax,dif_nextMax) ? mini : luma_drop
\ Fix_prev2=(drop_clip.trim(1,2)+drop_clip).AverageLuma
\ Fix_prev1=(drop_clip.trim(1,1)+drop_clip).AverageLuma
\ Fix=drop_clip.AverageLuma
\ Fix_next1=drop_clip.trim(1,0).AverageLuma
\ Fix_next2=drop_clip.trim(2,0).AverageLuma
\ Fix!=1
\ ? frame_src
\ : Fix_next1!=1
\   ? Fix_prev1!=1
\     ? frame_50
\     : Fix_prev2!=1
\       ? frame_66
\       : frame_src
\   :  Fix_next2!=1
\     ? Fix_prev1!=1
\       ? frame_33
\       : frame_src
\     : frame_src")

Where did you get your version?

For avi-files you can use AviSource instead DSS2.
DSS2 is DirectShowSource2 filter that you can find in Matroska Haali splitter installed folder. You can copy avss.dll from there to avisynth\plugins folder to make script working. DSS2 is needed to non avi files to get frame-accurate processing.

What encoder do you use?


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

It is strange to want this. You can disable SVP start with windows. And you can choose hotkey to launch SVP when it needed.
Right click on SVP Manager shortcut from Start menu - Properties - type your hotkey in Shortcut key field - OK

Сообщение crist выделено в отдельную тему "Интегрированное видео Core i5-2500K и SVP"

Try to use 'zero latency' option in x264.

Хрень какая-то...

Не исключаю, что я "просто их готовить не умею..." wink

Не удержался и взял себе R9 285. Теперь ждите сравнения AMD Fluid Motion против SVP wink

Спасибо. Надо будет поизучать.


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

It is because of different refresh rate in different video modes and small delta value in SVP hidden settings: NoJerksWithoutReClock

Просто ради интереса глянул сколько стоит нынче купить видеокарту архитектуры GCN 1.1 и выше:
R9 295X2 - от 54 тыс.руб.
R9 295X - 23,5 тыс.руб.
R9 290 - 18,5 тыс.руб.
R9 285 - 15,2 тыс.руб.
R7 260X - 6,8 тыс.руб.
R7 260 - 6,7 тыс.руб.


Не совсем понял связь тотала и значка в трее.
Горячей кнопки для вызова SVP-меню в трее нет, кроме как нажимать на значок правой кнопкой мыши.


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Sorry. I can't reproduce your ptoblem because I don't hear any sound after some changes with ReClock on my system. I return to it tomorrow.


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

control center 4
1. What is it?

mad home cinima control
2. And what is it?

3. how you get 1.25x speed?

How do you yourself watch 1080p in 60 fps from youtube
I download streams first via savefrom.net service. After that I see it from HDD.
I can't find another way to watch video entirely.


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Let's start from begining. What player are you using and how you did fast playback?
I realy don't know how you get 1.25x speed in ReClock settings as shown at your picture.