Now we know why you haven't updated it for a long time too.


(23 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Same as in games: CPU or GPU.
It doesn't transcode on GPU by the way, it just uses it in combo with processor as games do.


(23 replies, posted in Using SVP)


Why not just disable OSD all together (right click on SVP tray icon)? I don't know about anime cat girl image you see anyway, I see SVP logo.

www.lr.kr wrote:

Я на этом форуме уже много раз просил сделать альтернативу с GPU без OpenCL

Легче установить ОС, на которой есть OpenCL поддержа видеокартой или купить любую бу-шную за 3 банки кукурузы если в карте проблема, чем надеяться, что разработчик прикрутит пятую лапу.

Chainik wrote:

> видимо и это обошло стороной SVP 4 Free.

тут стоит понимать, что если бы SVP делал кто-то другой, то Free работало бы только полчаса, и показаывало рекламу каждые 5 минут

То есть вы даже развлекательные рекламные ролики каждые пол часа отобрали во Free версии, хотя по телеканалам ее бесплатно показывают. Еще одно исскусственное улучшение платной версии.

www.lr.kr wrote:

Я настраивал уже частоты и прочее. После чего перезагружал систему с безопасного режима что бы вернуть родные частоты.

XP такая XP.

На дырявом ведре много воды не унесешь и от озера это не зависит.

Уменьшить до HD - это -12800720 в какой-то доп. настройке.

www.lr.kr wrote:

В том и дело, что рывков нет. Словно минимальное качество SVP не предназначено для FHD.

Ну, как бы да - это не то же самое, что и дропы, хотя выглядит похоже. Меньший радиус поиска векторов судя по всему влияет или что-то в этом роде.

C чего вы взяли, что там вообще есть дропы? Тест плавности разве проблемно идет?

AMD motherboard with B350 or B450 chipset and Ryzen or Ryzen 2 CPU would be OK. People bought AMD packs like these year ago and they are stll future proof and will be upgradeable next year too or even longer.


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

dejavecue wrote:

64-bit will not result in better performance or better temperatures. 64-bit refers to the addressable space - it has mostly to do with RAM

It's way deeper than "more RAM".

To me results look very similar performance-wise. Curious how much power was drawn with these configurations?


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

TayyabKhalid wrote:

Specifically, I wanna know about the media player like Potplayer and MP-HC. I would've tested it myself but I have so many settings and configuration so I would like to know before I convert to 64-bit.

I used 32 bit PotPlayer all the time until yesterday on my old laptop (1st gen 2-core Intel)when I was tired of either poor performance or high temperatures.
After installing 64 bit PotPlayer which was also 1 year newer version and installing 64 bit SVP components in Adding components and modules I got better performance per CPU clocks at at least 5% thanks to this migration and it feels like even more in general (whether thanks to newer player or same 32>64 migration).

All in all very positive.


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

erik wrote:

ok i look only 1080p.  If i buy ryzen 1200  (economic) do all the filters and functions of SVP work well anyway?

Don't buy Ryzen 1200 as you can buy Ryzen APU (with Vega graphics) for nearly same price.
https://www.pcworld.com/article/3264009 … aunch.html
https://www.pcworld.com/article/3253306 … amers.html


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

MAG79 wrote:

You can make the artifact less visible if:
1. Switch video mode to 90 fps (if it is possible) to get smoothing ratio Movie x3.

MAG means screen resolution > Refresh rate.

McClane wrote:

Добрый день.

В настоящий момент времени собираю системник, в тч под использование с SVP. Что лучше взять под SVP? Варианты:

1. Intel Core i7-8700K (в этом случае видеокарту 1080/1080ti возьму очень не скоро (цены-конь!) поэтому пока только проц);
2. Intel Core i5-8600K (видюху возьму чуть быстрее, может быть и 1080/1070 хватит, пока буду использовать без нее);
3. Intel Core i3-8350K (видеокарта 1060, самый бюджетный вариант, покупка и использование всего сразу).

Что-бы выбрали вы? Какой конфигрурации достаточно (в идеале - избыточно) для SVP? Фильмы смотрю только в Full HD.

Нет смысла считаться с SVP если фильмы только до 1080p. Для чего вообще ПК, определились? Вы даже видеокарту по всему спектру выбираете от встройки до 1080Ti.


(466 replies, posted in Эксплуатация SVP)

7sh3 использует отдельные библиотеки SVP и заранее подготовленные скрипты в сборке PotPlayer.
Я лично в настройке установщика сборки не выбираю установку уплавнения, а просто устанавливаю сам SVP Manager опосле.


From Wiki https://www.svp-team.com/wiki/Manual:Re … ge_Scaling

To select another mode, use the "frc.frame.resize" parameter in the Application settings section of the Control Panel.

Yes, globally, but why would you care if your problem is GPU limiting the max resolution, not the CPU performance, plus you are OK to uneven upscale as I understood? You can ask dev to create frame size override option for profiles but don't know if that is to be done either.

To be short as I don't plan to continue debates about video standards (video, not television: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-definition_video) 1920x800 and 1280x536 are Full HD and HD (Ready) respectfully because in fullscreen you can see those black bars which were deleted while ripping for better comfortability in different playback scenarios.

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:

Uhh, because I don't?  FHD is defined as 1920x1080. High definition yes, but not "full HD" as that's defined as 1920x1080. 1080p by definition means 1080 vertical pixels in progressive scan, and 831 is less than 1080.

Google '1080p/Full HD'movies'. Most will have ~800 height which is... less than 1080 vertical lines.
By your logic each 1080p movie must have its own resolution for its own ratio with constant height: 2592x1080, 2400x1080, 1920x1080.
The HD/UHD/SD movie standards were exactly created for avoiding this absurd.

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:

As already mentioned, unless it's a non-x86 tablet or smartphone, 99.99% of all displays marketed as "HD" are actually 1366x768 rather than 1280x720.

And as you pointed earlier about 1336x768 HD panels (dim down 768p interpolation perf question), 1488x620 is still above 1366 wide screen. What's your point of pointing it out then?
I pointed that SVP follows standards as everybody else to avoid all sorts of problems and backed it up.

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:

Could we please not drift too far off topic with regards to the original point of this thread?

You already got reply to the original point of topic:
1. resize to whatever size you want for your specific needs in Pro version. Done.
2. SVP handles standards, not specific situations which are numerous while standards were meant to deal with those efficiently. Period.

To evaluate my previous answer: frc/frame/resize. XXXXXXXX form (ex. 13660768 for 768p).

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:

The issue here is total pixel count and resolution, performance is merely a side-effect as it happens to partially result from those values.  1280x720 is around 0.92 megapixels while 1280x534 is around 0.68 megapixels making the latter considerably below what is considered "HD".

Then why do you consider 1920x800 videos as "FHD?
Tell me this: is 1108x831 a HD video for you?

SPOILER ALERT: Though its 'pixel count' equals HD, its heigh is even bigger than 1080p movies and essentially is nothing less than FHD movie with crop to 4:3 ratio. But you could call it HD, heh.

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:

Is there a particular benefit for SVP to behave in its current way that I am unaware of?

How would people behave expecting HD standard video which isn't HD standard?
HD= 1280x720. Video must fit in this resolution with 1 video pixel matching 1 screen pixel.
End of story.

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:

The way I see it, because the resulting image is almost certainly going to be upscaled anyway, why wouldn't the user prefer a higher resolution result that would still have identical performance to the likes of 1280x720?

Decrease to HD is decreasing to a standard, not to some kind of performance constanta like "1 svpatra".
The way I see it, 720p has direct 1.5x ratio upscaling to FHD.
The way I see it, HD laptops are still on the market right now in b level markets for manufacturers same as 4GB RAM versions and Pentium CPU-based.
The way I see it, people can set whatever resolution they want in Pro version.

Qrw wrote:

The file that I transcoded with high CPU usage was about the same size as the one I trancoded with low CPU usage before transcoding, but after transcoding there was a 0.7 GB difference.

Are you saying you compare on 2 different video files? LMAO!