Today, I did the update for the last madvr codec through svp4 pro and since then when watching a video with mpc-hc, my gpu fans start ramping up to full speed and the only way I can stop them is to turn down my computer. The first time it happened was while watching a video and at about the tenth minute it started doing that. I reloaded the video and about the same time mpc-hc crashed. I was using the nvidia drivers geforce 390.65 nvidia drivers and went back to the 388.71 (I'm still on them) using ddu as always to see if this was the issue but it is not. I don't have this problem watching anything without svp running. So it is the svp update who created this issue. I tried the online downloader version and the offline version too. Same problem. I also downloaded madvr from their own website (the lastest and the second to last version of madvr) with no success. I also downloaded the last known ffdshow standalone version, no success either. I'm running W10-Pro 64bits (I reinstalled everything everytime I tried the solutions above to fix the issue).