(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Yeah I did force enable GPU encoding and deciding which I can see while doing perf monitoring.
https://www.svp-team.com/wiki/Manual:SVPflow This link made me think SVP could be GPU accelerated since it says MSmoothFPS is GPU accelerated, but maybe I'm reading that wrong?  I'll be digging into the vapoursynth script today to see what I can learn.


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

It just doesn't seem like it is using GPU acceleration since my CPU usage is spiking so high when it's processing.  Is there an additional config I need to get vapoursynth to process on the GPU?


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Thanks for that suggestion!  I'll look into it.


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

So I have it plugged into my pipeline now, doing frame-doubling via mpv.  I'm seeing very high CPU usage while interpolating.  Is this normal?

I have `--ovc=h264_nvenc` (not doing hevc as that's even more computationally expensive)
And `--hwdec=cuda-copy`

With those two settings, I should be using GPU for decoding and encoding, yet my CPU spikes to around 80% while processing.

Should I be using a different hwdec?  Is there any way I can reduce load on my CPU?  GPU usage is like 10% so it's doing something while transcoding, but I'd like to foist more of the processing load onto the GPU if possible.

Edit: Also, is there a way to force it to process at faster than realtime?  I have a 52 second file I'm interpolation, and the interpolation takes exactly 52 seconds regardless of whether I'm interpolating to 120fps or 48fps which makes me thing it's processing the video in realtime regardless of how much processor overhead it has.

Edit2: I should have posted the command I'm running for frame interpolation

mpv {input_file} --no-audio --no-sub-auto --input-ipc-server=mpvencodepipe --hwdec=cuda-copy --vf=vapoursynth:[E:\\\\ffff.py]:4:4 --ofps={new_framerate} --of=matroska --ovc=h264_nvenc --ovcopts b={new_bitrate},gpu=0,rc=vbr_hq,cq=25,preset=medium,profile=main,threads=4 --o={tmp_output_file}


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

So SVPCode is using mpv on the backend to do transcoding?

Are these steps accurate?

* Compile mpv with vapoursynth for Windows (researching)
* Install SVP 4 / have it running in the background
* Create mpv profile with SVP configuration (still doing research on this)
* mpv "somesource.mkv" --profile=svp_profile (for playing a video with SVP filter)

But how do I write out a file with mpv?

Oh I see, add --o=<filename> to write output file


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Is there a CLI for SVPCode?  I want to be able to pass it an input and output file name and maybe some basic configuration for frame doubling as a part of an automated visit processing pipeline. Ideally there would be a stand-alone CLI that I could shell out to from a python script before calling filebot.
