(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

All good now!! Thx!


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

check "certification path" page, which one is not ok

you did something with system's root certificates?
"GlobalSign Code Signing Root R45" must be installed

I don't think i did something with it, it just happened.
How do i fix it? Where to download it?


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

check SVPManager.exe properties, Digital signatures section - is everything OK there?

NO, how do i fix this?


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

It works very well but this two issue suddenly appears today.

1. Every time i open the program, it shows that 30days evaluation notify, after activate it, close and re-open svp, it shows again.
2. It suddenly not working with MPC-HC, it work very well before, i didn't change anything but it refuse to work. And after i reinstall MPC-HC and Svp4, followed every step, it still not work.


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Thanks guys! My friends says the same thing.  They say 1080p video for 1080p monitor is the most efficient way. 720p need a lot more performance.
Looks like time to upgrade my machine...

Thanks again. You guys are awesome!


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

lower madvr scaling settings or switch to EVR-CP renderer with "bilinear" resizer

No use...

4710hq's IGP is too weak

I'm using 1060 to run potplayer (set it in the Nvidia control panel), so I guess maybe is not IGP's fault?

It's weird...
As soon as I toggle fullscreen mode while watching a 720p video in windowed mode, this video suddenly just like I didn't use SVP.


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

MAG79 wrote:

> works in windowed mode
> potplayer
Press Ctrl-Enter / Alt-Enter to toggle Fullscreen mode

I know how to toggle Fullscreen mode.....

1080P windowed mode ok. fullscreen mode ok.
720P or others windowed mode ok. fullscreen mode didn't work.


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

So my monitor is a 1080p monitor, and Svp4 pro is perfect if I watch 1080p videos.
But for 720p videros and others, it's only works in windowed mode.

I'm using potplayer+lav filter+madvr+xy-SubFilter, all the setups are here : https://vcb-s.com/archives/7228
My pc is 4710hq+1060+8g.

Can somebody tell me how to fix this? Thanks!