"16:13:59.775 [W]: Playback [26a50b12]: RIFE for TensorRT works only via Vapoursynth!"

in my log this appears, I use mpc hc, madvr, 4090, NVIDIA TensorRT
If I set the profile to ncnn than it works as expected (except the quality and performance lol)

it works fine when I manually select to use the profile, but I guess devs have some left over code that prevents the profile from beeing used when Vapoursynth is detecte.
How do we ping a dev to fix this behavior?

edit: (I'm a bit stupid and didn't realize the devs are already here)


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I tried that but the moment a video is played the programm either just crashes or soft locks.

I added the variables, replaced the mpv-1.dll

and this is the config file



the first 3 are defaults for the programm


after some testing it seems the breaking command is the time server

it somehow locks the ui and seekbar. softlocks and then no send no response to windows os while the video is running. SVP doesn't recognise the stream so no interpolation is happening either


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Hey there!

I'm looking for a way to enable svp support in Hydrus Network (a media file manager based on tags), it runs on MPV.


download (it's free and open source):

it allows to create and use own mpv.conf files, the files need to go here

and are selected in the settings under "media"

there is mpv-1.dll in the main folder of the programm

It's a lovely tool to manage tons of files efficiently, it also allows files to open externally but I think the mpv implementaition is very solid and more useful.
I would appreciate to get some help to properly set it up with SVP! Maybe the devs could take a short look


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

driver update fixed it


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Second screen turns off for a short period of then turns on again when SVP starts/video player starts inside, and then again when SVP stops/video player gets closed. Win10, newest SVP, Nvidia 1080ti.

you´re right, I changed the language to en and it showed the values properly - thx

(thread can be closed)

Hey just a small issue I guess that sticked to most of the updates so far for me.
Guess I need to deinstall and install it clean to remove but let me know if you have a better idea.