(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I am using a 1440p 165Hz monitor. SVP4 has no problems converting videos to 165fps

Ironcally, I think I found out what caused this issue just after creating this thread.

I disabled VSynch in MPC-BE Properties. After that I got stable 165FPS.

Watched the parts of the movie where I got FPS drops before. They are perfectly smooth now. I can even have the Quality and Artifact Masking higher on SVP4 without having frame drops.

I hope this will help if someone else is having this problem.

PS: Thanks for the quick reply anyway

I get very unstable from 20 to 165 fps and sometimes very jittery/laggy video. I changed my video player 3 times because that seemed to fix the problem temporarily but after a few months the video SVP4 gets unstable and make the movie worse than without SVP4.
Until now I used SVP4 Free. I saw there was an update but no more free version so I bought SVP4 Pro. The frame rate got somewhat better but it is still unstable.

I am currently using MPC-BE x64

