Fixed it using these additional ffmpeg configs

sudo apt-get install libx264-dev libmp3lame-dev libfdk-aac-dev
echo --enable-libx264 >> ffmpeg_options
echo --enable-libmp3lame >> ffmpeg_options
echo --enable-libfdk-aac >> ffmpeg_options
echo --enable-nonfree >> ffmpeg_options

So third time's the charm, I guess? (hey Chainik if you read this again)

So far I got everything to work. SVP uses my graphics card and shows the video in 60fps (only works with mpv for some reason even though I did all the setting changes in VLC 64bit) but now there is no audio.
Other Video players play the video files with sound just fine but don't use SVP so the problems seems to be mvp with vapoursynth support.

I tried to reinstall it, made sure I follow all steps of the guide and looked through the common issues section. MVP without vapoursynth support plays the audio just fine but obviously doesn't work with SVP.

Could this be a problem with vapoursynth or is it a local problem on my computer?
Also what could be the problem that VLC doesn't use SVP even though I checked the SVP in VLC checkbox in SVP Manager, changed the file permissions vor video_filters and enabled deinterlace?


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Thank you very much Chainik!

Hey guys,

Nvidia X Server Settings tells me I run v390.116 but when I try to enable my 1050Ti in SVP it only says no gpu acceleration found.
Also when I open a movie file via context menu -> run with svp linux the framerate doesn't get converted.

Help would be appreciated.

Thanks could install it now

Hello guys,

I can't figure out why the "make -j4" command as instructed on … om_sources keeps failing.

When I get to the "make -j4" part of Vapoursynth i get the following error log:

I followed every step in the above guide and still can't seem to get it to work.

Any help would be appreciated!