Using 19.04 and mpv compiled with vapoursynth/nvenc from the latest git.
This is the command executed by SVPCast:
/usr/bin/mpv /home/user/test.mkv --no-audio --no-sub --no-sub-auto --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvencodesocket --input-media-keys=no --vf=vapoursynth:/home/user/.local/share/SVP4/scripts/ --ofps 60.000 --of=matroska --ovc=h264_nvenc --ovcopts=b=15115485,preset=slow,profile=high,rc=vbr_hq,maxrate=19650131,bufsize=30230970,threads=16
11:22:44.587: Option --ofps was removed: no replacement
11:22:44.588: Error parsing option ofps (option not found)
11:22:44.588: Setting commandline option --ofps= failed.
11:22:44.588: Exiting... (Fatal error)
--ofps has been deprecated for over a year now, it was replaced by --vf-add=fps=CFR
The command works with the correct parameters, any chance you guys could slide that into the next update?
Thanks for your amazing work on this beast of an app btw.