(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Blackfyre wrote:
Ra wrote:


Is ok to use SVP with double OG movie frame rate (from 24 to 48fps) on 60fps 4k resolution ( no judder, stutter etc.)?

No, there will always be judder unless the FPS & Refresh Rate match, but there is a way to make it smooth running the TV/Monitor at 50Hz and SVP to SCREEN interpolation (very similar to X2 for 24fps content). It will be a long write up, and I can only do achieve it with MPV, so if you want to really use MPV + SVP @ 50FPS @ 50Hz, let me know and I will write up how I got it running smoothly.

Note, only reason I do this is because my 4790K can't push 4K HDR content to 60FPS @ 60Hz. Your 10600K should be able to depending on the SVP settings, so really you should always run at 60FPS if you can, it will be much smoother.

Please do look forward to that guide. Thanks


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

So SVP should always follow monitor refresh rate?
if its 60 it should be 60fps interpolation.
Would it be the same for 48fps on 72Hz monitor?


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

48 on 60 is more like a compatibility mode
60 on 60 looks much smoother

Thanks for the reply, its just 60fps is a tad fast for my taste while 48 is a great compromise.

Let me ask in another way:
Is there any perceivable difference between 48fps playback on monitor 48Hz refresh rate and monitor with 60Hz refresh rate?


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)


Is ok to use SVP with double OG movie frame rate (from 24 to 48fps) on 60fps 4k resolution ( no judder, stutter etc.)?

Originally I forced madVR to change refresh mode each time when a movie a played (match display mode option) so both madVR and SVP are on 48fps.
But now I have to use KVM with dual monitor setup so constant refresh rate switching (back and forth) produces lost HDMI signal onmy monitors.
So I have to use one stable refresh rate all the time and that works fine.

PC where my SVP is installed.
RTX 3080 Gigabyte Aorus
64gb DDR4 3200
My main monitor BenQ 2700U