ran brew info mpv and received
mpv: stable 0.32.0 (bottled), HEAD
Media player based on MPlayer and mplayer2
/usr/local/Cellar/mpv/0.32.0_3 (30 files, 10.8MB) *
Poured from bottle on 2020-07-11 at 01:46:19
From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/HEAD/Formula/mpv.rb
==> Dependencies
Build: docutils ✘, pkg-config ✘, python@3.8 ✔
Required: ffmpeg ✔, jpeg ✔, libarchive ✔, libass ✔, little-cms2 ✔, lua@5.1 ✔, mujs ✔, uchardet ✔, vapoursynth ✔, youtube-dl ✔
==> Requirements
Build: xcode ✘
==> Options
Install HEAD version
==> Caveats
zsh completions have been installed to:
==> Analytics
install: 7,090 (30 days), 23,160 (90 days), 63,687 (365 days)
install-on-request: 6,124 (30 days), 20,228 (90 days), 56,970 (365 days)
build-error: 0 (30 days)
tried running 'xcode-select --install' per wiki and received back
xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates