I'd like to first off say a huge THANK YOU to the people of SVP for making this awesome piece of software but then to outdo themselves by releasing it for free for linux users. (It sure is nice not getting the short end of the software stick for once)

I am running SVP through mpv with the mpvSockets LUA script thats mentioned in the SVP wiki for mpv.

> Since SVP >= 4.3.191 (2020-04-11) you can use the mpvSockets LUA script instead of fixed 'input-ipc-server'. This will also allow to use SVP in more than one mpv windows simultaneously.

However with mpv using this script. SVP ignores any specified socket I give it. Say for example "input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvSockets/mpv--SVP".

I'd like to be able to manually specify a mpv socket for SVP to use, as I like to be able to turn svp on manually on an mpv instance by instance basis.