(450 replies, posted in Using SVP)

heektoor45 wrote:
rcmz wrote:

Hello, since the last update I get the following error :

zsh: Input/output error: SVPManager

Does someone know what that could be ?

I'm getting the same error on Arch

As pointed out on https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/svp-bin, this can be solved by changing



options=(!strip !debug)

in the PKGBUILD.
This can be done with the command

yay -S --editmenu --rebuild svp-bin


(450 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Hello, since the last update I get the following error :

zsh: Input/output error: SVPManager

Does someone know what that could be ?

I'm on 4.3.191-1 (arch linux package) and it does not work. Do I need a special value in the main->setup->mpv property ?

Chainik wrote:

just take this - https://github.com/wis/mpvSockets - and that's it

does not work because svp does not know the names of the pipes

(Note: this tutorial has only been tested on linux)

1) Copy this script to ~/.config/mpv/scripts/multiplesockets.lua

local utils = require 'mp.utils'

dir = "/tmp/mpvsockets"
os.execute("mkdir " .. dir)

id = 1
handle = io.popen("ls " .. dir)
while id == handle:read("*n") do
    id = id + 1
socket = dir .. "/" .. id

mp.set_property("options/input-ipc-server", socket)

function on_shutdown()
mp.register_event("shutdown", on_shutdown)

2) In svp settings, set the property main->setup->mpv to /tmp/mpvsockets/1;/tmp/mpvsockets/2;/tmp/mpvsockets/3

PS: Could we add this tutorial to the svp wiki ?