Chainik wrote:

did you updated to mpv 0.38?

[VPS_64]mpv video player version is 0.38.0-568.

Similar situation as before:
When using NVENC Encoder streaming DTS audio will crash in my case is 28s.

Key error log:

[ffmpeg] mpegts: Application provided invalid, non monotonically increasing dts to muxer in stream 1: 2570383 >= 2570383

Another bug about SVPCast WebUI,
It looks like some special characters in the path folder will cause an access error, it will lead to other wrong paths or simply be inaccessible.In my case it's a full Chinese character path.


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

replace mpv64\mpv.exe with this one

I use host streaming host.
It's worked fine.
I will test host to client tomorrow.
Thanks for that.

and the another issue in cast web:
If the path is pure Chinese like:
Use the cast web click "谍影重重" folder will jump to"火星救援.mp4"
In English is:
click "Folder1" will show "File2.mp4"
by the way,English is working fine,This is an example.
add English word will work fine.
click"谍影重重one" will jump to "谍影重重one.mp4" as expected.

Please give guidance on this issue.


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

Streaming -> Last streaming log ?

DTS files will stop at 00:22 all the time
i must manual stop streaming.

by the way,SVPcast web has another issue:
Pure Chinese path jumped to the wrong subfolder
Chinese and English path worked fine
Pure English path worked fine too.

and i have massage limit,please ask all questions at once.


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

My system:
host:CPU I7 7700K GPU GTX1080(bandwidth 50/type h264_nvenc/realtime true or false)
"1920X1080 24fps DTS5.1 Anime" SVP to "1920X1080 120fps dolby"
client:CPU I5 3350P GPU GTX660/CPU I5 ????M GPU GTX950/host itself(All MPC-HC)

"HTTP live Streaming" will stop coding at about 00:22.
The issues are the same for every clinet.

I guess it's the source,precisely is NVENC with DTS audio issues
I used h264_qsv for DTS audio it's worked
I used h264_nvenc for PCM audio it's worked
Even h264_nvenc 2 channels DTS audio not worked too.

I know i can use h264_qsv,but for some reasons i must use NVENC for no intel IGPU's 3350P,h264_qsv is very lagging for GTX660.
I need help for h264_nvenc and DTS audio both of them are work fine.