I'm trying to do real-time frame rate conversion on youtube videos from 4k 24/60fps to 4k 165fps with mpv, and I notice the result is very choppy for some videos while others are perfectly smooth.

Sample video 1 (4k 60fps)

Sample video 2 (4k 24fps)

Sample 2 does the frame rate conversion to 4k 165fps perfectly fine, but it's not the case for sample 1. Why is that?

My setup is 3080 and 10900k so hardware shouldn't be the issue here, and I have read the entire wiki for proper settings with no resolve. How do you fix it?

Just bought the license and it works so far so good, but I wonder do you need to keep the SVP control panel running in the background for it to work? Most people use load at windows startup I assume?