earl088 wrote:

Trying this out on a 2160p Doctor Strange at x4 FPS and the 4090 struggles though it only shows 70-80% GPU usage.

x3 works perfectly though.

Which CPU and Memory? This is not GPU limited

Just wait .. first start for every new solution it creates the files. Takes several minutes

First feedback of testing - 4070ti has same performance as 4090 combined with the Ryzen 5600x single CCD DDR3600.

I think AI model has to be "rife" as well for the newest script or am i wrong ?

yes ... ok, so if i set this a restart of mpc-hc is not good enough, SVP4 needs a restart as well .. progress, many thanks smile

ok, now working .. how can i figure out if madvr is the first "process" or svp ?

Thanks, something was odd, now i can access the vapoursynth menü in mpc-hc.
All boxes are check, remote control is enabled but SVP does not detect that a clip is running.

as said .. fresh windows installation from this afternoon smile

i tried alone as well, no difference, same behaviour.

i cleaned up the logs and everything again smile

additional some (maybe useful) information

Python 3.10.9 (main, Dec 22 2022, 16:59:33) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
>>> import vapoursynth
>>> print(vapoursynth.core.version())
VapourSynth Video Processing Library
Copyright (c) 2012-2022 Fredrik Mellbin
Core R61
API R4.0
API R3.6
Options: -


yes - confirmed the upcoming message that it will modify path values etc -> started mpc-hc
then i started a movie ->

16:36:13.597 : AVSF: found new player instance
16:36:13.618 : AVSF: filters in use: LAV Splitter Source (internal) -> LAV Video Decoder (internal) -> * -> madVR
16:36:13.619 : AVSF: new video in mpc-hc64.exe (64-bit) [MPC-HC] on screen 0
16:36:13.663 : Media: video 3840x2160 [PAR 1.000] at 23.976 fps
16:36:13.663 : Media: codec type is HEVC, YUV/4:2:0/10 bits/BT.2020 PQ
16:36:13.664 : Playback: starting up...
16:36:13.667 : Playback [46781507]: Frame server (64-bit), 3106, AviSynth+ 3.5 (r3106, 3.5, x86_64), C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\avisynth.dll
16:36:13.668 : Playback [46781507]: resulting video frame 2560x1440 [3840x2160 -> scaled -> 2560x1440]
16:36:13.668 : Playback [46781507]: 1 acceptible profiles, best is 'Automatisch' [0]
16:36:13.669 : Playback [46781507]: enabled while video is playing
16:36:13.670 : Profile: using automatic profile #1 /film
16:36:13.672 : Playback [46781507]: playing at 59.94 [23.976 *5/2] /10 bit
16:36:13.706 [W]: Control: failed to register shortcut Meta+Alt+K
16:36:15.505 : Playback [46781507]: black fields changed to TB: 276-276, LR: 0-0
16:36:15.506 : Playback [46781507]: resulting video frame 2560x1072 [3840x2160 -> cropped -> 3840x1608 -> scaled -> 2560x1072]
16:36:15.506 : Playback [46781507]: 1 acceptible profiles, best is 'Automatisch' [0]
16:36:15.506 : Playback [46781507]: keep previously selected profile 'Automatisch'
16:36:15.507 : Profile: using automatic profile #1 /film
16:36:15.510 : Playback [46781507]: playing at 59.94 [23.976 *5/2] /10 bit
16:36:18.127 : Playback [46781507]: switching to profile 'RIFE AI engine'
16:36:18.129 : Playback [46781507]: playing at 47.952 [23.976 *2/1] /10 bit
16:36:18.369  : Playback [46781507]: AVS - RIFE: failed to load model\n(C:\Users\patri\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\scripts\46781507.avs, line 62)\n(C:\Users\patri\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\scripts\46781507.avs, line 77)

based on the other thread -> it is using avisynth and not vapoursynth. So i disabled avisynth, added vapoursynth as external filter and enabled remote control .. but then SVP does not recognize the player. do you need logs or screenshot ?

I deleted everything, even installed windows from scratch, but i dont find the correct way how to do it.

I searched and i think i have to set environment variables for vapoursynth, but i cannot see where ? The tools menu offers VLC and libmpv but not vapoursynth.

To combine this with MadVR i think step 1 madvr and the final picture through rife. Should be faster than the other way around.
And if this is working .. the final step would be to use this with videoprocessor.org -> like a videoprocessor, through anything in and do tonemapping etc + frame interpolation and throw it out smile

Who can help me setting up a player ?

Thanks a lot - Discord, Whatsapp, Telegram, Teamviewer ... whatever is needed

Will do .. as soon as I get mpc-hc running

Chainik wrote:

> Can someone integrate the script in MPC Player to add MadVR in the pipeline ?

what do you mean? just run MPC-HC with 'Vapoursynth Filter' instead of 'Avisynth Filter'

I tried today ..

MPC-HC shows:
23:23:24.207 [E]: Playback [c85b13c2]: AVS - RIFE: failed to load model\n(C:\Users\patri\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\scripts\c85b13c2.avs, line 62)\n(C:\Users\patri\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\scripts\c85b13c2.avs, line 77)

I thought i could do this:
SVP menu -> Utilities -> Set environment variables for Vapoursynth

but this is not selectable, my SVP looks like this:

and read is just one direction .. i would be interested in write -> my single CCD cpu is below 28gb/s

I ordered a case and components to test and make some comparisons
I will have

Ryzen 5600x with 3600 MHz Memory
Ryzen 7700x with 7200 MHz Memory
Intel 13600 KF with 7200 MHz Memory


if someone wants to provide some good input or prepared scripts for comparison, i am happy to use them smile

Can someone integrate the script in MPC Player to add MadVR in the pipeline ?

DragonicPrime wrote:
Chainik wrote:

it doesn't matter in this case that others have same video card
it's about system's memory bandwidth

thanks that's all I needed. Overclocked my ram and it's working now

please, can you do an aida memory benchmark with and without overclocking and post the results ?

UHD wrote:
Pezede wrote:

I've tried enabling and disabling and I'm not seeing any color differences.

For what it's worth even under 4K@25*3 I'm not seeing cuda use above 50% either...

Thank you!

Pezede, I think you have the perfect setup to test what really matters in the success of your interpolation.

I think with 4K HDR x3 in real time with RIFE, there is no point in playing around with encoding tests anymore.

What everyone is probably interested in is what the minimum configuration allows for:
1. 4K HDR x3 in real time with RIFE
2. 4K HDR x2 in real time with RIFE

My test proposal:

Your proposal to find the matching GPU does not work as the tensor cores are very different between the RTX cards ...

In case someone is looking for the "cheapest" option for high bandwidth for cheapest price -> it seems the intel 13600k with a ddr5 mainboard is the cheapest combo to get the currently best memory bandwidth as we dont need a lot of cores and the mainboards are way cheaper than for AM5 DDR5

maybe check you gpu energy settings, it has just 285Mhz .. is it accelerating correctly when in use ? beside this .. nothing looks odd, maybe a bios update to support the RTX4090 better as the bios is older than the GPU (i dont think this has any impact .. but the rest looks good)

Maybe memory not configured properly for the CPU as you CPU should be better than mine ? please show aida64 or hwinfo or cpuz .. whatever memory information you have

wow .. with a  24p movie this would be 72 which is a native refresh rate of high end dlp projectors smile

UHD wrote:
DragonicPrime wrote:

On my second monitor which is just 1080p, MPV is downscaling it, so it runs perfectly

The question is whether MPV downscaling in real time to 1080p preserves the 10-bit colour depth and HDR when interpolating in real time with RIFE.

In other words, could you compare the colours of the video below played back without interpolation and with RIFE interpolation.

and what interpolation factor (x2, x3, x4) is possible with such a 1080p 10-bit HDR file:

LG 4K HDR Demo - New York.ts

compared to 1080p 8-bit?

my display is 60hz at my pc, so output drops everything above 60fps.
multiplied by 4 is running smooth with 1920x1080 downscaling

I replicated the exactly same setting as shown by Pezede for transcoding -> frames by 5 for a 24p 1080p movie, lossless preset etc
Ryzen 5600x, 3800 MHz Memory -> starts with about 190fps

doing the same for a 4k uhd movie -> 32,8fps
same for the LG New York Demo clip, 32 fps

my PC monitor is just 2k, so i use DSR to check 4k resolution, otherwise mpv is downscaling smile Windows running in 3840x2160 on 2k display (uggly, but mandatory to check 4k performance with mpv)

i am not interested in transcoding -> uhd transcoding to h265 is about 35fps now , bottleneck is the 6core cpu running at 100% and gpu at 70%