Chainik wrote:

probably adopting generic SVP's scene detection algorithm (based on motion vectors) would be better...
anyway it isn't a first-priority task

Yes, it's working fine as i remember.

Chainik wrote:

dunno, I don't see any real problem with the current simple and fast method
another neural network just for a scene change detection looks like an overkill to me

Just try transcoding that clip from Mad Max. SCDetection works very bad. To avoid freezes, you need set more than 15%, I set 20%. At 15%, there are still freezes. But at high values,  ends of scenes are no longer detected at all and they simply flow one into another. It looks bad. I just want quality, not just work. I think I'm not the only one. By the way, when I tested, the difference with and without this system was no more than 10%. Fast scenes go with fading, part of scenes flow into one another, this is all work that does SCDetect.

Chainik, please try implement new ai scene detection from … detection. I use this fragment from Mad Max for tests how scene detection algorithms working … share_link and this new thing performed almost perfectly.