Hi again MAG79, I was out of my home many months and now I'm back.

I'm not native spanish, but I can try to help. Is it long to translate?

I came back because on the new SVP versión I can't find how to remove the black line in demostration mode and neither editing the OSD "source" "smooth" message on demostration mode too.

Any thoughts?

I could just use the older versión, it did the trick smile  but I'm always eager to try the new ^^

Thankyou again!

"Runtime Error (at 156:3082): List index out of bounds"

Never happened with 3.0.6 or 3.1

Windows 7 64bit

Seems like they are uploading new version, cause the full install now can't be downloaded ^^  And the lite one now works.

In russian forum I think someone already posted it. On full install or the other, error message Runtime Error " List index out of bounds.

So maybe it's a mandatory urgent to warn you.


(32 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Aja ok you need to have FFDShow Raw as prefer and LAV Video Decoding also as Prefer, then LAV Spliter without Prefer, I just realized it.

With that and 1 core yes I can see the diference 60% CPU usage normal play vs 100% and freezes, this works good as a normal playing but...

The bad thing is that when I use SVP I got little stops with this configuration with LAV DXVA, a thing I don't have when I remove all the external filters and I use exclusevely ffdshow. Then SVP runs smooth like always.

So maybe on weak VGA cards it's not that good to use SVP + LAV DXVA, at least in my case I get less performance, almost no smoothing cause of lagging. Dunno if the Radeon HD 6670 is weak or no, but maybe is weaker than GTX 560 for example.

I'll try the same with my home system (Core i7 2600k@4300Mhz + GTX 570), and see if SVP runs better with LAV DXVA than without and report back.


(32 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I'm still twisted, i think this LAV thing is not working at all, DXVA is not active at all when having ffdshow raw as preferred merit. I've exactly same CPU usage, same GPU usage and same memory usage.

Or you have ffdshow or you have DXVA from LAV, not both.

If I put the LAV video Decoder as prefer ffdshow not working, If I put ffdshow raw as prefer I'm getting same results as if I leave external filters in blank.

On internal filters I've all checkboxes disabled.

DXVA + SVP might be a myth then, but if it works, will not impact on SVP performance with GPU acceleration if we have GPU with the DXVA task too?


(32 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Ok if I do that I get the same GPU ussage than If I leave all external filters in blank and I use normal ffdshow (comparing it when SVP is not working), so is really DXVA from LAV Filter working? I'm using for testing a Radeon HD 6670 12.2 drivers. Or maybe it should not increase GPU usage at all like this and still using DXVA?

I'm trying it on media player classic, cause on Pot player I have many crashes, this system has 2 Xeons based on i7 a total of 16 threads, maybe it's using too many memory, I need to disable HT in order to have less threads and fix svp to a fewer threads or it increases memory ussage too much.


(32 replies, posted in Using SVP)

When I put LAV Decoder as preferred ffdshow disapears and SVP don't use the smoothness. Any tips on it?

MAG79 wrote:

Can you give us your results of translation?

It's fake translation, of only 3 messages, not the real translation it should be, only to impress and not to worry the one who sees it.

For example:
Настройка плавного воспроизведения ...=Calculando metodo de fluidez para 1080p ...  ->  Calculating smoothness method (absolutely fake and intentionally wrong translation)

and only 2 more changed messages to a non real ones.

Ok after a few tries, I got it working, as an example I used something like:

srcd = srcd.Subtitle(\
"line 1\n" + \
"line 2\n" + \
"line 3", \

On the other hand I've edited the english file in directory SVP\Language and I put something more "cool" and impresive, and removed warnings (like the variable framerate detected implementinf emergency framedoubling) and I writted some fake text saying different words like "improving smoothness" or something more cool, to not to worry ppl who watch videos in the demo mode.

Hope it helps to others this post if it's not already on forums.

Thankyou for help  smile

And to edit SVP OSD messages, to put them more cool things to impress ppl (and need to translate them too) would be awesome ^^

Edit: Found it, it's on "SVP\Language" english file for example.

Well only need the return key on the original and smooth text messages.

Thanks for the tips wink

Hi agan, thanks for this quick reply MAG79, unreal fast smile

I've tried and works perfect, I didn't know it were posible to edit that. Great!

Now I was wondering if on the text "smooth" and "original", we can out various lines, like return key on texts. Like <br> codes in html or \n on c++

I want to put something like:

ORIGINAL VIDEO                                     IMPROVED QUALITY
- 24fps                                                   - 60fps
- plain colors                                           - Better quality
- etc..                                                     - etc..

So I need to jump to other lines in text ^^


Hi everyone

I was wondering if there's an option to remove the black line that appears on demostration mode, because I've some other image quality improvements on the right half of image but it's not much noticeable when the black line is on place.

And on the other hand, the OSD message "Original" and "Smooth" that appear, is it possible to rewrite them to other words or even a phrase?

I hope I didn't miss another topic identical to this one.

Thanks for any tips on it.