Drakko01 wrote:

4.26_heavy its out

These files should allow SVP to find files ending with "_large.onnx".

tomkranenburg wrote:

a directory called "街舞學校" if you get a moment.

Some japanese games were known to crash if the user was launching them in wrong system locale because of unicode characters.
https://www.reddit.com/r/windows/commen … t/f400vae/
Can you check what is your current system locale set to?

English (United Kingdom) works fine for me on default settings of latest https://github.com/qwerttvv/Player/releases
not sure what could cause it

Try 4.25_lite_v2 from last week?
https://github.com/AmusementClub/vs-mlr … nal-models
Should require less processing power.

Actually no, that scene has non-fluent movement, blame it on being a 1984 film. xD

Blackfyre wrote:

rife_v4.25_heavy - 153 MB
Not sure if something needs to be updated for it to work properly.

Try these for heavy?


(20 replies, posted in Using SVP)

narkohol wrote:

that's why I added --video-sync=display-tempo. Tried all the other --video-sync= options but none of them made the video playback smoother.
Can you play this file ( https://drive.google.com/open?id=1SWNDE … p=drive_fs ) at 60fps perfectly fine with no Dropped/Skipped/Delayed frames and no visible hitches/stutters?

Nice one!
Nope, stutters and hitches a lot for me too. Probably video player reaches a bottleneck somewhere even when GPU/CPU/Memory is not 100%.
Only solution would be to upgrade your system until it massively outperforms the video player requirements... or resize to 480p instead xD


(20 replies, posted in Using SVP)

narkohol wrote:

Any suggestions? because honestly this is driving me nuts...  sad

mpv has framedrop setting:
try to add in mpv.conf:
and play around with the video-sync parameter https://mpv.io/manual/master/#miscellaneous


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

[10/17/2024-16:48:41] [E] Error[9]: IBuilder::buildSerializedNetwork: Error Code 9: API Usage Error (Target GPU SM 61 is not supported by this TensorRT release.)
Time to upgrade GPU xD

Mardon85 wrote:

video doesn't look like its been smoothed

Press ` to open mpv console, any errors there?
Install Nvidia App and check the statistics overlay fps too? https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/software/nvidia-app/
Update SVP again?
Try the v2 of the same model for a bit of an fps boost? https://github.com/AmusementClub/vs-mlr … nal-models
Maybe Nvidia motion vectors glitching out cause 4K image and prevents interpolation, try disable that too xD
Try to comment hwdec in mpv.conf like #hwdec=auto-copy and compare if changes anything?

Maybe Windows reseted again "Power Mode" back to to Balanced instead of Performance?
Rather than doing a full reinstall, just play with the resize setting until it feels smooth. U don't actually need to see all 3840 x 2160 pixels.

Honza wrote:

new version of SVP?

Just click the SVP icon to update lol

Chainik wrote:

BTW: if you just replace vsmlrt.py with the latest git, then it will use V1 models instead of V2

Yes, cause in december 2023 the dev updated the signature of the RIFE method:
but he didn't add it as last element of the method so please fix it by updating helpers.py to send video_player True or False as 10th parameter:

return RIFE(clip,multi,1.0,None,None,None,model_num,backend,ensemble,False,implementation)
return RIFE(clip,multi,1.0,None,None,None,model_num,backend,ensemble,True,implementation)
(not sure which one is best for SVP)

Chainik wrote:

I'd say this's because of color space converted back and forth, noticeable in a very high contrast areas only.
Probably hmm
...and your "shaking" is not like Blackfyre's V2 shaking, which is quite obvious not only on those lines but in a whole frame

Yes, i think you're right. I tried to simplify the base.py and generate.js and ended up with this:
but micro shaking still persists. Which confirms that it's caused by the color space conversion required for Vapoursynth.
Easiest way to fix it would be to allow Vaporsynth to also apply the same conversion process on the source frame too.
This way all outputed frames should line up and 100% fix the micro-shaking.
Is this possible? (even if it will increase the computational processing needed)

Blackfyre's V2 whole-frame obvious shaking takes priority, though.
Thanks again for putting the time and effort to look through the magnifying glass.


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Check your windows volume mixer settings maybe?
Download older MPC-HC versions and check if issue persists from here:

lurker wrote:

rife 4.17 lite v2

There was a recent SVP update which made it load the slower v1 models when u select the v2 models.
Try to use the files from here and see if it gets fixed?
https://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopi … 577#p85577


(20 replies, posted in Using SVP)

narkohol wrote:

Things I tried:
Any ideas or suggestions?

Wow that's a lot of trial and error!

I'm having a fun time with the mpv config from here:
https://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopi … 352#p83352

It has both
that is explained here:
https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/wiki/ … ronization
which makes the video player spam frames. So even if you drop a frame it will try to display it again instantly.

Not sure if there exists an actual solution to fully prevent dropped frames yet.
Please let us know if u find a video player that does that.

I believe if RIFE detects more stuff that have to move between two different frames, it might cause it to do extra calculations which could cause a spike in computing power which lead to frame drops.
Actually we have no clue since only it's developer knows what's in there and how to train an AI.
Just resize down the video a bit to give your PC less work to do.

Gippy wrote:

Watching 1080p anime with RIFE set to 60fps and with MadVR postprocessing to 4K. 4080 Super, AI 4.9.

I'm finding that with RIFE TensorRT, outlines and edges shimmer (the outline width noticeably changes) when panning or scrolling happens. This does not happen with RIFE ncnn/Vulkan or standard SVP interpolation. I tried changing AI models and they all do this. Disabling MadVR doesn't seem to fix it either; it happens with all renderers. It's off-putting enough that I've stuck with standard SVP interpolation for now. Is there a fix for this, or is this a known issue? There's no point in the performance increase of TensorRT if it looks like dogshit.

When doubling FPS of the test scene from here:
https://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopi … 509#p85509
We can see how the directly generated video of RIFE has no shake of the white lines on the right side of the screen.
But when transcoding it with SVP, every interpolated frame has different positioning of the white lines than the non-interpolated frames.
It's like you show the video normally on the non-interpolated frames and then reduce the height by a few pixels on the RIFE generated frames which makes the pixels not align with the original movie, adding a shake-like effect on the static white lines that is obvious for big screen users.

SVP devs please take a look:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ … gbYN3w1Eeo

Please try to record your screen with an obvious scenario of "outlines and edges shimmer (the outline width noticeably changes) when panning or scrolling happens."
That way SVP developers can check and fix the issue hopefully.
Also mention where you downloaded the source of that video sample so they can download it too from same place and compare.

Blackfyre mentioned a recent "shake" issue:
https://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopi … 509#p85509
that gets fixed with this:
https://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopi … 522#p85522

Maybe what u found is something new.

For potato PC, try to increase/decrease the resize setting until it is smooth for your desired FPS:
and enable Super Resolution in MPC Video Renderer so it will look as good as 4K.


(13 replies, posted in Using SVP)

XDark187 wrote:
Chainik wrote:

the only workaround I can see now is don't put vf into mpv.conf, toggle it manually with the keyboard shortcut

Fixed the issue, thank you

Actually, you don't need to manually toggle the filter with a hotkey anymore. You can use a Lua script that automatically applies the d3d11vpp filter with a 3-second delay after video playback starts. This way, the filter will be applied without having to manually press a hotkey.
Save this file in your MPV scripts folder, which is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\mpv64\scripts\ for SVP users.
Now, when you play a video, the Super Resolution will automatically activate after 3 seconds, saving you the hassle of manually toggling it with a hotkey.

pensioner600 wrote:
Xenocyde wrote:

Will test MPC-BE for microstuttering.

If you plan to melt above 160 fps, then I recommend version of mpcVR. Here (and in the following messages) it’s clear why.  The developer does not fix this error and wants a high-frequency monitor))
https://mpc-be.org/forum/index.php?topi … 18#msg8818

@pensioner600 The mpcVR devs are looking for you:

RickyAstle98 wrote:

Nevermind, just say default align/valign values, thanks!

Renaming the SVP folder from Roaming, generates a fresh config that looks like this:

dawkinscm wrote:

Nope. Still crashes out. I've got the TRT error log and it says that broadcast dimensions must be comformable.

It seems 4.26 also crashes when the width or height of the resized video is not divisible by 64 with:

[   1.419][f][vapoursynth] Script evaluation failed:
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth] Python exception: vsmlrt.RIFEMerge: tile size must be divisible by 64 (416, 256)
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth] 
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth] Traceback (most recent call last):
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth]   File "src\\cython\\vapoursynth.pyx", line 3121, in vapoursynth._vpy_evaluate
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth]   File "src\\cython\\vapoursynth.pyx", line 3122, in vapoursynth._vpy_evaluate
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth]   File "C:\Users\Flowr\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\scripts\1c2e810c.py", line 83, in <module>
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth]     smooth =  interpolate(clip)
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth]               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth]   File "C:\Users\Flowr\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\scripts\1c2e810c.py", line 62, in interpolate
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth]     smooth = RIFE_imp(input_rife,multi=rife_num,model=rife_mnum,backend=trt_backend)
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth]              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth]   File "C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\rife\helpers.py", line 23, in RIFE_imp
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth]     return RIFE(clip,multi,1.0,None,None,None,model_num,backend,ensemble,False,implementation)
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth]            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth]   File "C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\rife\vsmlrt.py", line 1215, in RIFE
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth]     output0 = RIFEMerge(
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth]               ^^^^^^^^^^
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth]   File "C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\rife\vsmlrt.py", line 1049, in RIFEMerge
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth]     raise ValueError(
[   1.419][f][vapoursynth] ValueError: vsmlrt.RIFEMerge: tile size must be divisible by 64 (416, 256)

So we also need to change the code from "C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\script\generate.js" from:

    var pw = Math.floor((media.dst_w-1)/32+1)*32 - media.dst_w;
    var ph = Math.floor((media.dst_h-1)/32+1)*32 - media.dst_h;


    var pw = Math.floor((media.dst_w-1)/64+1)*64 - media.dst_w;
    var ph = Math.floor((media.dst_h-1)/64+1)*64 - media.dst_h;

Attaching files that load both v1 and v2 correctly below.


(7 replies, posted in Эксплуатация SVP)

A reddit post mentions RTX 4070 super as the best price/value graphics card from the 4000 series:
https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comment … _thinking/

John86 wrote:

how to install it? Previously I just dragged the .onnx file into the models/rife folder

Ignore the google drive link.
You go to models page and get rife that contains the .onnx files here:
https://github.com/AmusementClub/vs-mlr … nal-models

Nice! A new SVP update!

Blackfyre wrote:

I will put back v1 models and test performance difference now between v1 and v2 properly.

Nice! Please check so we'll conclude if we can fully remove/ignore the v2 models.
To test the performance also try to set target fps to something high
and add in mpv config:

# D3D11 renderer (default) is required for the HDR playback
# disable VSync so MPV will be able to output more frames than your monitor supports

to disable the fps limit. (probably you will have to resize to a smaller than 4K resolution) xD

"RIFE v2 models which handle paddings internally and reduce memory transactions on heterogeneous devices."
Every time i tested on my setup, v2 was a bit faster.
The developer explanation of the difference between them can be found here:

Example 1:
This combination of 1 rife thread + v2 gives me 200 fps.
Same combination of 1 rife thread + v1 gives me 180 fps. sad

Nvidia App Overlay displays current FPS, GPU%, CPU% while you are watching that video maybe that helps.

Blackfyre wrote:

To test properly, remove all the models inside v1, so SVP doesn't fall back to them. That's what I am doing.

Yup doing that and works for me with files attached above:
Try to delete the old cache folder from here "C:\Users\Blackfyre\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\cache" and restart SVP maybe?