(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

both PC and phone must show the same external address, for example here: https://whatismyipaddress.com/
you may need to restart SVP on PC after IP address changed

I tested it with the same external address and the problem still exists. And one more strange thing: I live in Mainland China and Hong Kong. I move between these two places each month. I find it works well when I'm in Hong Kong, and this problem only occurs in China. Today, I found that SVPCast WebUI has a QR code. The QR code points to another DDNS site, "svp-team.cn/cast," using ".cn" instead of ".com." It works well and redirects to the correct LAN IP on my Android browser (though it's still unusable in SVPlayer). I don't know if this localization is causing the error. I can rule out the VPN being a contributor to the problem when I'm in China (I have already tested with the VPN ON/OFF and TUN mode ON/OFF). My suggestion is to add advanced settings to specify the IP address in the settings to solve the problem.


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

dunno, probably external requests (to svp-team.com) are going through VPN or something like that?

I've considered the impact of VPN on this. Problems persist after I turned off my phone and PC VPN. There are no relevant rules in the hosts.


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

are you sure your phone is in the same LAN?
cause what I can see is everything is fine on our side, svp-team.com/cast is redirecting to now

I'm quite certain about that. I can access the WebUI via my phone's browser, which proves that both devices are in the same LAN. The IP address that you see is my SMB address. I used SMB to read my file the last time, so it automatically accesses it upon startup.


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

what's in SVP's log?

Here is the log in my PC.

22:17:55.697 [i]: Main: args: none
22:17:55.698 [i]: Main: working dir is D:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\
22:17:55.699 [i]: Main: data dir set to C:\Users\99237\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\
22:17:55.702 [i]: Settings: loading main.cfg OK
22:17:55.703 [i]: Settings: loading ui.cfg OK
22:17:55.705 [i]: Settings: loading frc.cfg OK
22:17:55.708 [i]: Settings: loading profiles.cfg OK
22:17:55.710 [i]: Settings: loading lights.cfg OK
22:17:55.711 [i]: Main: using Qt 5.15.1 (i386-little_endian-ilp32 shared (dynamic) release build; by MSVC 2019)
22:17:55.711 [i]: Main: device scale is 2.25002, user defined scale is 0
22:17:55.712 [i]: Main: using Fusion style
22:17:55.713 [i]: Main: system locale is [zh]
22:17:55.713 [i]: Main: preferred language is [zh-cn]
22:17:55.717 [i]: Main: setting language file to zh-cn.qm...
22:17:55.719 [W]: Main: using Chinese server for all network requests
22:17:55.736 [i]: Main: collecting system information...
22:17:55.738 [W]: Main: module 'plugins/svpflow1.dll': NOT FOUND
22:17:55.738 [W]: Main: module 'plugins/svpflow2.dll': NOT FOUND
22:17:55.741 [i]: Main: module 'plugins64/svpflow1.dll':
22:17:55.744 [i]: Main: module 'plugins64/svpflow2.dll':
22:17:55.746 [i]: Main: module 'plugins64/svpflow1_vs.dll':
22:17:55.750 [i]: Main: module 'plugins64/svpflow2_vs.dll':
22:17:55.750 [W]: Main: PATH doesn't contain mpv64 folder, VLC and libmpv players may not work
22:17:55.750 [W]: Main: PYTHONPATH doesn't contain mpv64 folder, VLC and libmpv players may not work
22:17:55.750 [W]: Main: PYTHONPATH is EMPTY
22:17:55.754 [i]: OS: Windows 11 [10.0.26120]
22:17:55.759 [i]: CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX with Radeon Graphics [base frequency 3301 MHz, 16 threads]
22:17:55.760 [i]: Video: registry info - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU
22:17:55.761 [i]: Video: reading OpenCL info...
22:17:55.935 [i]: Video: 1 GPU OpenCL device(s) on NVIDIA CUDA [OpenCL 3.0 CUDA 12.6.32] (NVIDIA Corporation)
22:17:55.935 [i]: Video 1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU (NVIDIA Corporation, ver.560.70) [gpuID=11]: OK
22:17:55.935 [i]: Video 1: may support NV Optical Flow and RIFE/TensorRT (Compute capability: 8.6)
22:17:55.935 [i]: Video: 1 GPU OpenCL device(s) on AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing [OpenCL 2.1 AMD-APP (3584.0)] (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.)
22:17:55.935 [i]: Video 1: AMD Radeon Graphics (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., ver.3584.0 (PAL,HSAIL)) [gpuID=21]: OK
22:17:55.936 [i]: Video: reading Vulkan info...
22:17:56.912 [i]: Vulkan 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU (+)
22:17:56.912 [i]: Vulkan 1: AMD Radeon Graphics (+)
22:17:56.915 [i]: Memory:  12206  MB total,  4113 MB free
22:17:56.915 [i]: System: finding network settings...
22:17:56.952 [i]: Network: using system-defined proxy server
22:17:58.399 [i]: Power: AC is ON [1]
22:17:58.531 [i]: Settings: loading custom.cfg OK
22:17:58.559 [i]: Screens: updating information, 1 screen(s) found
22:17:59.300 [i]: Main: preparing video profiles...
22:17:59.355 [i]: Main: preparing performance graphs...
22:17:59.388 [W]: Control: failed to register shortcut Meta+Alt+K
22:17:59.472 [i]: Main: preparing ffdshow...
22:17:59.477 [i]: ffdshow: found 64-bit version 1.3.4533.0 [C:\Program Files\ffdshow\ffdshow.ax]
22:17:59.481 [i]: Main: preparing AviSynthFilter (AVSF)...
22:17:59.485 [i]: AVSF: found 64-bit version [D:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\avsf\avisynth_filter_64.ax]
22:17:59.486 [i]: Main: preparing mpv...
22:17:59.487 [i]: Main: preparing remote control...
22:17:59.488 [i]: RemoteControl: started
22:17:59.488 [i]: Main: preparing main menu...
22:17:59.588 [i]: Main: loading extensions...
22:17:59.604 [i]: Extensions: found svpcast ...
22:17:59.608 [i]: Settings: loading cast.cfg OK
22:17:59.632 [W]: Control: failed to register shortcut Meta+Ctrl+S
22:17:59.664 [i]: AMD AMF: runtime version -
22:18:00.110 [i]: AMD AMF: H.264 hardware encoder - supported [profile 100, level 52]
22:18:00.144 [i]: AMD AMF: H.265 hardware encoder - supported [profile 1, level 186]
22:18:00.148 [i]: AMD AMF: AV1 hardware encoder - not supported
22:18:00.489 [i]: Streaming: Web UI listening on
22:18:00.504 [i]: Extensions: found svptube ...
22:18:00.534 [i]: Settings: loading tube.cfg OK
22:18:00.559 [i]: Tube: initializing youtube_dl...
22:18:00.609 [i]: Main: initialization completed in 4884 ms, but still waiting for the screens measurement...
22:18:00.648 [i]: Updates: checking now...
22:18:01.388 [i]: Screens: screen 0 - 3840x2160 @60.003 Hz [measured], x2.3 [95 DPI]
22:18:01.388 [i]: Screens: primary screen is 0
22:18:02.519 [i]: Tube: youtube_dl ready
22:18:02.674 [i]: Performance: quick estimation = 852 (previous value was 906)

Android log here. I can't copy log dirctly from the app. So I use OCR tool. Content is correct.

22:24:54.298 [i]: Screens: screen 0 - 3088x1 440[+] [500 DPI] @10,24,30,48,60,96,120 Hz 
22:23:49.055 I: mpv: created successfully 
22:23:49.047 [l]: mpv: using gpu-next/Vulkan renderer 
22:23:49.044 [l]: System: LAN active 
22:23:49.044 [i]: mpv: creating... 
22:23:49.043 [I: Screens: screen 0 - 1440x3088[+] [501 DPI] @10,24,30,48,60,96,120 Hz 
22:23:48.926 [i]: System: finding network settings.. 
22:23:48.926 [i]: Memory: 11029 MB total, 4092 MB free 
22:23:48.906 [i]: Video 1: Adreno (QUALCOMM, ver.OpenCL 3.0 QUALCOMM build: commit unknown Compiler E031.41.03.44) [gpulD=11]: 0K 
22:23:48.902 [i]: Video: 1 GPU OpenCL device(s) on QUALCOMM Snapdragon(TM) [OpenCL 3.0 QUALCOMM build: commit unknown] (QUALCO 
22:23:48.899 [I|: Video: reading OpenCL info.. 
22:23:48.897 [I: CPU: ARM Cortex-X3 [base frequency 2841 MHz, 8 cores] 
22:23:48.896 [i]: Device: samsung SM-S9180 
22:23:48.746 [I: OS: Android (14.0) 
22:23:48.596 [I: Main: setting language file to zh-cn.qm.. 
22:23:48.596 [i]: Main: preferred language is [zh-hant-hk] 
22:23:48.596 []: Main: system locale is [zh-hk] 
22:23:48.596 [i]: Settings: loading browser.cfg OK
22:23:48.596 []: Settings: loading profiles.cfg OK 
22:23:48.594 []: Settings: loading frc.cfg OK 
22:23:48.594 []: Settings: loading ui.cfg OK 
22:23:48.590 [: Settings: loading main.cfg OK 
22:23:48.590 []: Main: starting up SVPlayer N []..


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I followed the tutorial to set up SVPCast. There is only one PC running SVP4 in the LAN. The DDNS address of WebUI can display the content correctly on the computer. But the SVPCast function cannot be used on Android SVPlayer. I used an Android browser to open "svp-team.com/cast" but it could not be directed to the correct LAN IP, but was directed to a local IP. However, using the Android browser to enter the correct LAN IP address "" can open the WebUI correctly. how to solve this problem? Thanks.

This function really improves the user's experience. Thanks.

Versions too low. New chip like 8gen2 can't get its full performance.