Bensam123 wrote:

Nice! Does the 4090 haz enough power for u to watch 2x on 4K and 2K videos with latest TensorRT + latest models?

I generally watch anime at 1080p and x4 target, so somewhere around 90fps. Utilization is around 70% and can't turn it up to 5x without stuttering issues, at least for now. AIM 4.15.

I don't watch 2 or 4k content as its on a gaming PC.

Question here.

When replacing the TensorRT model, do you use vsmlrt-windows-x64-cuda.v15.2.7z or vsmlrt-windows-x64-tensorrt.v15.2.7z?

One infers it's using Cuda while the other is actually using your RT cores? They both seem to work and don't seem to have any performance differences between the two. They also seem to perform the same as the version SVP originally came with on my 4090.