(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Anyone who can point me in the right direction to transcode files with HDR?
There are HDR movies to be found on the internet who are transcoded with the latest RIFE version. It should be possible then, no? Another program?

Curious: is this a general problem with smooth motion (madvr) and vapoursynth filter or just from a specific madvr beta release?


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I think it’s wise to wait the 5090. Never hurts to have a bit too much performance :-p

I see that smooth Motion of madvr doesn’t work with svp vapoursynth. That’s a pitty, you’ll need that to transform 48fps to 50 or 60fps without stutter. Meaning 48fps will nog work (well) with madvr.


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Thanks for all the advice.
Re-adding the metadata works, but the colors are still washed out. I just wanted to transcode some files to see if the investment in a 4090 is worth it, but even without the HDR metadata, I can judge the motion. I know that HDR is no problem in real-time frame-interpolation.

Projector doesn't accept 48hz and in the files I transcoded, I liked x2,5 (60hz) better to be honest. Would a 4090 be able to do this real-time or better wait for the 5090?
Is HDR tone mapping in MPV as good as madvr? I always thought madvr to be superior.

Will check out MPV, finding and adjusting the settings seems to require some studying :-p

Seems I can only post once every 2 hours???


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

No one? :-(

Try to disable hardware acceleration.


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I recently purchased SVP to test out the capabilities of RIFE. I want good frame interpolation to watch regular movies in my home cinema. The motion enhancement on the projector produces way too many artefacts to my liking.
Because I now use an AMD 6700xt GPU, I can only transcode small pieces of movies to see the effect. And I like what I see smile

Long-term I would like to build a dedicated HTPC which is capable of running SVP and madvr simultaneously.

Some questions:

1. Has anyone already built a HTPC using an RTX4090 and is it capable of running SVP and Madvr smoothly in 4k HDR (to 60fps)? Perhaps better wait for the new 50xx series?
2. When I transcode HDR files, the metadata is gone. I understand that SVP isn't capable of doing this properly. Is there a way to re-add this metadata manually?

I look forward to hearing from people who use SVP for regular films, not just anime.