Ok, thanks guys i fixed it with a new installation and with my old settings

It was a bit weird though, i had to uninstall the old but it refused to clean out an "manual" directory that was empty.
And because the SVP 4 directory was not empty it refused to install there again.
So i had to make a new one.
And the old SVP 4 directory that is empty besides the empty manual directory.
Can not be deleted.

I have a fixed SVP again now anyway.

If i try to uninstall and reinstall the whole SVP thing, will i lose all my setting and profiles then?

I tried to fix it with installation manager but i don't see how to do it.
I seems to me like the unpacking of the latest SVP manager from the .7z got screwed up somehow so i never got it but the installation manager does not allow me to reinstall that part.


The latest update broke it.

In the middle of installing the updated files it showed an error message and a retry or ignore dialog, retry did not help so i pressed ignore. When the installation was done and restarted SVP it never started again, it seem the manager is gone somehow because trying to start it from the icon just give an missing object error now.

I am going to show the error in the update i got and i hope you can direct me how to fix my installation, please.

I will add that i have been using SVP 4 Pro since the start and it has never failed an update or broken an installation.

Here is the installation log file
When i look at these installations i see strange mention about it says i was out off space, but i checked and there was several GB free so i don't know why it said that.
One unusual thing that happened that may have been the reason was. i updated the installation to the last version.
But the i did not use the c0mputer for several days so when i got back to it, it restarted the app and closed the updater.
But then as soon as SVP started it announced that an even never update was available, so i updated right away just a few seconds after i had restarted the last update. Maybe something got tangled up in that quick double update.
That is the only unusual thing i know happened before the app gave that error and stopped working.


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

But I did uninstall the RIFE part of my installation now when i tried to uninstall SVPcast.
I installed it before i understod that i didn't have the required hardware for using it.

AND that fixed the problem smile

SVP closes and start like it should now.
It wasn't the faster initialization start up that was the problem it was the RIFE package i installed in SVP.
I think those things where introduced around the same time a while back.
Sorry for remembering things wrong.


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

No sorry, i did not even had SVPcast installed now when i tried to uninstall it from my SVP installation
I have never used it.

Anything else i can try?


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I have a similar problem.

Problem is, if i shut down SVP it can't start again if i press the icon.

It started i think when you changed to the faster initialization.
My solution for now is to force shut down SVPmanager through the resource monitor.
Then it can start again properly by pressing the icon and it works like normal, until i tries to shut it down and i have to do it like that again to get it running next time.

I haven't tried the remove svptube you suggested here and i haven't checked the logs either.
I use svptube to much to consider removing it a workable solution if that is indeed also what is causing my problems.
I have just managed it like that for months.
I don't really know how i can access the log when i have shut it down, so that it is closed i can't access the menu anymore but it dosen't close properly.
So if i have to force shut it down and relaunch is that not a new logg then?
Or does it track so we can see what happened when i tried to turn it off, it didn't and it didn't want to start, but did start after force shutting it down.

Hope for a proper fix in the future.

And by the way, the reason i keep turning it off and on again is i can't get it to not activate at all on 2160p movies.
And my computer turns to total shit if i accidentally start a 2160p movie when svp is running, because that is WAY WAY more than my cpu and gpu can handle.
I have tried to get its scripting to not activate on 4k movies but i have always failed.
It is either i get it to start on all movies or non, as in if i get it to not activate on 4k then it seem to also not start on all the other profiles.
Sorry for being stupid if it is something easy i have missed,


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Yeah that worked great, thanks.

I think because i haven't a strong enough system to decode and interpolate 4k UHD HDR 10bit movies anyway i should't miss anything by disabling its 10bit and more frame serving capabilities, right?

But i wonder if AviSynth Filter couldn't be made to recognize that it is in a non active frame serving mode when nothing is connected to it and shut off those parts that is draining performance?
That is how i assumed it worked before i found out it was the reason for the performance hit.
And i think i remember 10 bit and such frame serving capability was one of the main reason for the development of AviSynth Filter and i think it had that feature from when you included it in SVP4.
So some form of performance regression seem to have happen.

Anyway everything works now as i need it, thanks for the fast help as always Chainik.


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)


I have noticed that newer versions of AviSynth Filter takes more performance hit when not in use but loaded in external filters in mpc-hc/be than old versions.

I don't know when it started to happen, but i started having extreme problems being able to run any software decode of any high bandwidth H265 4k videos like UHD remuxes,
on a system that has had zero problems decoding the same stuff for years.

After a lot of testing it seems like it, that the latest since a while back versions of AviSynth Filter is much more performance heavy even when not using SVP4 or actively frame serving anything.
My system is way to slow to do 4k 60fps interpolation so i just turn off SVP when i want to watch a 4k HDR movie.
But lately this didn't work anymore and i always started to get massive framedrops after a while.

Anyway, this dosen't happen with ffdshow raw or for the first bunch releases of AviSynth Filter.
I started using it as soon as you added it in SVP4 and then i never noticed any performance hit when not in use but only loaded in the player.
But then somewhere a long the line the performance cost of AviSynth Filter when it is not used actively but only loaded as a filter in mpc-hc/bc did go way up.

If it is possible to fix i would appreciate it, because it worked great before and now i have to use ffdshow or block or prefer AviSynth Filter every time i want to use it / not use it.

Do you have a AMD Ryzen system?
Because it seems the current W11 releases have a massive latency bug that should be fixed soon.
https://www.tomshardware.com/news/amd-r … -cache-bug

Thanks for the update Chainik you are doing great service as always, this is all great info.

I had planned on a fresh install anyway.
And AVSF is superior anyway for SVP's frame serving needs.

I will be interesting to see some updates from some of the other users here, if they have upgraded from an old OS install and/or if the ffdshow uninstall fixes there problem.

Have you tried if SVP4 works on the now released non beta windows 11 version?
I think anyway the official okt 4 release was not beta.

I plan to install windows 11 soon because i really want to try out Auto HDR.
And SVP is a must have.

I have fixed the problem, everything works great now smile
It was a known (by python devs) issue with my windows (windows 7 service pack 1) and python 3.8
I was missing update KB2533623 in my system.

Sorry for the trouble and thanks for trying to help.


I downloaded and unpacked python in the mpv32 folder.
But there is no change.
Same error in the SVP log and same error in the python import ctypes error message.

There is no reason to think my system has broken files because as i said it worked perfectly with svptube before the update.
If anything broke, it happened with the new version of svptube otherwise i would not be here asking for help.

I don't think it worked.

Here is what python said when i tried

">>> import ctypes
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<frozen zipimport>", line 259, in load_module
  File "ctypes\__init__.py", line 7, in <module>
ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _ctypes: Felaktig parameter

But maybe i did something wrong, here is the full cmd window text when I tried.


C:\>cd C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4 Pro\mpv32

C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4 Pro\mpv32>python.exe
Python 3.8.2 (tags/v3.8.2:7b3ab59, Feb 25 2020, 22:45:29) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (In
tel)] on win32
>>> 'import ctypes'
'import ctypes'
>>> import ctypes
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<frozen zipimport>", line 259, in load_module
  File "ctypes\__init__.py", line 7, in <module>
ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _ctypes: Felaktig parameter.

I replaced "svptube.dll in SVP 4\extensions\ and main.dll in SVP 4\extensions\tube" with your updated versions
And then i restarted SVP
But that did not fix it.

And the only python38.dll i have on my system is
in SVP 4 Pro\mpv32 &
in SVP 4 Pro\mpv64

Errors from the log
13:26:44.293 [W]: ImportError('DLL load failed while importing _ctypes: Felaktig parameter.')
13:26:44.293 [E]: Tube: youtube_dl module import failed

I also tried after today's SVPmanager update but no change.

Yes there are error i noticed now when i checked.

"10:22:50.690 [W]: ImportError('DLL load failed while importing _ctypes: Felaktig parameter.')
10:22:50.691 [E]: Tube: youtube_dl module import failed"

Is there anything i can do to fix it?

No video link work anymore for me it just says "Waiting for URL...."
It worked perfectly for me before today's update.

And i have really noticed how much i use it everyday now smile I really miss it.

I have tried to restarting SVP but that does not help.
I have tried from chrome and vivaldi browser but it does not work anymore.

I am sorry but i am not sure what you mean?

In the adress bar i have the pages link i am on when browsing, like just now this page is "https://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopi … mp;login=1"
And on youtube it is the same, the link/web page i am on.

But i guess you mean something else because what i just said is self evident and something anyone using a browser would know.
So i am assuming i am misunderstanding you somehow.

Hmm! you know what, i just went to youtube and and was going to copy an example of what is in my adress bar.
And now it works again smile
All i did was just installing the new update you just released for SVP/SVPtube 2.
Ii didn't even restart my browser or my PC since i started this topic.

The update fixed it somehow smile

Nice thanks

Thanks James D,

Copy the link from the Share button works great when copy from the adress bar dosen't work smile


I fixed the problem, sort of anyway.
It seems that if i copy the link from the address bar in youtube it dosen't pick it up, but if i copy it by copy the link from the page i saw the link at instead by right clicking the picture and choosing copy link adress there instead it works. Strange.

Anyway it is probably my system that is the problem i guess.

You can delete this topic if you want, i tried but could not find how.


Today i tried ripping some videos from youtube but i can't get SVPtube to catch the links anymore.
I have tried Chrome and Vivaldi browsers but nothing is working here.
The strange thing is it works on other streaming sits perfectly so i don't know what is up.

So i wonder if it is just my system or is everybody affected and we need a new update and fix to sort it out?

I have tried restarted SVP because before when it bugged like this that would always sort it out but not this time unfortunately.

Ok, that explains why it dosen't work.
Thanks for the answer.

I hope then mpv someday will start to support MVC.

I really hoped something would come out of this sad
But so far almost 3 years later madshi haven't implemented anything like a vaporsynth interface into madVR.

And as far as i understand it we really need this because otherwise we can't get proper 2160p 10-bit HDR BluRay/Remuxes working in MadVR/mpc-be/hc with SVP.
Now that madVR has really good HDR to SDR tonemapping/conversion + NGU on the chroma that really makes the UHD sharpness pop, i can't imagine not using madVR for UHD.
But i am really missing SVP in all of this.

Can i ask if anything came out of the supposed discussions madshi suggested you had in private to solve this?
Is there any sort of plan on how this will be solved?

Maybe a separate directdraw vaporsynth filter with 10-bit and HDR metadata handling could be developed or maybe vaporsynth integration in mpc-be/hc like you did with mpv.
Because this seems to me anyway as the last puzzle piece we need for the next level of SVP.

First i must say, i really like running my 3D BluRay's through SVP smile
If anyone reading this hasen't tried it, do it wink you are missing out on something great.

But it is much more demanding that just a normal 1080p remux.
And unfortunately my system can't manage the setting i would really like to use.
I have to drop down more than i like to get it working.
And i know it would look even better if i could run with higher settings.

So, i wonder if this new transcode function SVP has can transcode a 3D BluRay to a full SBS file somehow.
Because when i try it seems to only do the main view (left i think).

Is it possible, if so how?