(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

thanks, but in the Manual , it is written that

if value of NewNum=>    0 - Automatic output framerate     then         If the input framerate is 25FPS, output 50FPS

i tried with 0 using the following script (same as in subjunk article)

PluginPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\MeGUI\tools\avisynth_plugin\"
AVISource("C:\Desktop\1080_25p.avi", audio=false).ConvertToYV12()
InterFrame(NewNum=0, NewDen=0, Cores=4)

--> in the above case i get 6 times increase in frame rate i-e: if original # of frame= 125 (for 25p video) then after conversion i get # of frame = 750(for 50p)
which is wrong as after conversion # of frame for 50p video should be 250(125 original+125 interpolated) frames.

i also tried with the case
InterFrame(NewNum=5, NewDen=1, Cores=4) and in this case i am also getting wrong frames number (after conversion for 50p i am getting less frames (60 frames))

please let me know  why i am not getting the desired frame number (i.e 250 frames after the conversion from 25p to 50p)


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)


How can i convert my 25 fps video to 50 fps (instead of 60fps) video using the article submitted by SubJunk "Convert videos to 60 fps" ?

My second question is can we convert video from one frame rate to another using SVP player offline (just like interframe) as i guess SVP adds interpolated frames only in realtime ? please correct me if i am wrong. If we can do conversion using SVP offline (not in realtime) then please let me know how can we do this ?

My third question is did you guys compare the video quality of interpolated video (from one frame to another e.g 25 to 50) of SVP / interframe with the twixtor results ? which one is better , i compared video quality of interframe with twixtor , i felt that twixtor plays much smoother video as compared to interframe, may be your opinion is different than me and i donot know about SVP quality yet. What you guys think of it ? i hope you guys did have some comparison test/conclusion !

thanks in advance


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Thanks heyer,

>>I believe the one Chanik linked is what SVP was originally based on.
May be some one from SVP team can clarify this too.

One more question:
Regarding interpolation: SVP sofware consider/apply motion compensation for frame interpolation ? correct me if i am wrong just like AAE-twixtor plugin  ? this is what i also checked when i open the video in virtualdub
I guess SVP uses MVTools for motion compensation base interpolation ? and the source code can be downloaded from http://www.svp-team.com/wiki/Plugins:_MVTools2 ?


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

thanks Chainik and Heyer,

It seems that the tutorial mentioned by Chainik does not use SVP or is it ?

As you know SVP allow us to select many different settings (e.g frame interpolation, motion vector interpolation etc) and i guess for different settings in SVP we get different Avisynt scripts ?  so second option would be fine.

BUT what about the result , the quality of interpolated video. Are there any difference in the results if i use the software mentioned in Chainik's tutorial ?


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)


Please let me know how can i save interpolated video after conversion from 24 to 60 fps using SVP or MP-HC ?

e.g Here is my case:

I play my 24 fps video in media player - HC , as it is already synchronized with SVP. So SVP convert my 24fps video to 60 fps (interpolated) video (depending on the setting that i select in SVP mananger) automatically.  I was wondering how can i save that interpolated video(60fps) in a seperate video file ? 
