"Convert Videos to 60fps in just a few clicks"
Well, I gave up and deleted the player after not even being able to figure out how to add my HDD files for conversion to 60fps.
I guess drag-and-drop files into player is futuristic stuff for this player.
Not even copying the files into it's installation folder (like it says in the tutorial) works. It can't find them when I try to edit playlist or select files. All it shows is a bunch of pre selected titles for download or something. Is this a downloader or a video converter? What a mess...
Is there a software that can actually convert files to 60fps with a few clicks or do I really need to use the tedious spirton scripts? I need a converter so that I can watch 60fps in my mede8er player. I rarely watch videos on my PC so SVP isn't of much use to me.
heck, someone should just invent some kind of hardware HMDI 60fps converter to install between the source player and the screen. Hardware SVP would be bad ass and it wouldn't be limited to PC use.