Hi Maken,
I am about to lose my mind!
Today I did a fresh clean install of PotPlayer and all the needed apps, I wanted to re-setup SVP.
I did everything according to your guide (Win 10 + GTX680) and I am not able to get DTS passthrough! It never worked with LAV, so I always used the default, but now after the new install I cannot get it to work with the built in codec as well. If I set my Audio Renderer to Reclock + LAV I am getting picture but no sound, and if I set renderer to Reclock with the built in audio filter with passthrough enabled, the movie doesn't even play. I tried default/alternative/FFMpeg SPDIF muxer and nothing works.
The only way I can get full DTS/DTS-HD passthrough with LAV or with the built in codec is by using the default WASAPI Audio Renderer. Any other renderer I select doesn't pass through the audio.
Are there any ReClock settings we need to set? I'm losing my mind... I can't get it to work with DirectSound or WaveOut as well, which is really weird, because they worked perfectly fine before I did the new installation.
Am I missing out on something by not using ReClock? Is it ok to leave it on the default WASAPI renderer?
Help please!
Made some progress, I uninstalled the NVIDIA drivers, ran driver sweeper and reinstalled, I can now get passthrough with both LAV and built in codec using any Audio Renderer. However, I am unable to set WASAPI exclusive mode! Before when I was playing a movie, if I turned down the Windows volume it would not affect the receiver sound, but now it does and it's driving me crazy. I have changed no settings before, just installed and it was working perfectly. I must have uninstalled and reinstalled PotPlayer 10 times, tried to use built in WASAPI renderer and set it to Exclusive mode, but I am still not getting it. Help!