(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Thanks for MAG79's reply smile
After changing the profile, it does improve and did not show any warnings, at least so far. i always set thread number to auto.
So it turns out that the original setting is somehow tough for my 4G RAM.  (when installing SVP i just chose the intel i7 box and leave the default 1080p profile)
Despite of my i7 and GT330(well i know it's not very powerful comparing to other graphic cards..), maybe i should add another 4G RAM to deal with SVP...
And last, i need to say SVP really changed my visual experience ! So cool when everthing gets smoother than ever  : lol


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

When i was watching videos like 1080p, SVP occasionally pops out "memory leak" warning.
Since it happens quite often about 2 times a day and every time when i restart my computer, it pops out a message suggesting me to report the log file on the forum so i post it here.
Seems that SVP automatically "restart" itself when memory leakage occurs, actually the video playing wasn't stopped so i think SVP did a good job on preventing the whole thing to crash but, the continuous warning is a bit annoying... roll
I have a 4GB RAM, and when memory leaks, the usage increases up to around 3.7GB, causing warning messages.
I'm using 64 bit Window 7, Intel i7 with NVidia GT 330. And i attached the error log file.