Hi,  I notice this problem happens no MPC-HC since last week, but everything is ok before.

Open MPC-HC with SVP disabled, the video/audio out of sync problem would no more appear both on 720p or 1080p.

It's interesting when I tried Potplayer with SVP instead, the sync problem had gone and the video is smooth, too. But the cost of using Potplayer is I have to meet crash with some video files opened.

My system is  :

i7 860 @ 3.8GHZ
Radeon HD6850

I tried to reinstall the SVP with no re-Clock, but it seems no help on it.

The latency I tested yesterday night is about 1390ms to 1500ms

It's weird, maybe I should reinstall my OS this weekend. But I can't understand what make the video later so much.

By the way, I've tried version 3.06, everything is ok....

The 60P is so cool that I even can't trust my eyes !