I have tested the tearing test and i get judderfree movement on the first clip wich is alchemist then when i try using the second clip sengoku basara i get the line kind of jumping forward like micro movements so not completely judderfree... maybe with some drivers of ati? When i use madvr i cant enable gpu-acceleration on svp the window shuts down and i get c++ library problem...(get the error message only when trying to enable in 720p or 1080p or when set Quarter pixel in menu in svp) Im gonna try to do a propper uninstalltion of svp and ffdshow and all of the compenents i use and try a different graphic driver maybe that will solv the problem?
quad i7
ati HD 5870 driver 11.8
windows 7 ultimate
I did like you said but did not work on my ati maybe only on nvda? thx any way
I just dont understand why the change is not in every frame (if causing the trouble) when 640:480 works smooth and not 720p and it is the same drawing tecnology they use to produce the anime..