I´m the next one who will replace his Athlon...
Regarding 720p50 from satellite: when video stuff is broadcasted (sports, news, shows etc) all of the 50 progressive frames are different. For films that were originally recorded with 23.9.... frames per seconds broadcasting stations do the following. The 23.9... fps material is PAL-speeded up to 25fps and every frame is shown twice to reach the 50 fps for broadcasting.
You say that we should restore original frame rate before using SVP. Without SVP I successfully did this with ReClock. But with SVP the use of ReClock gives strange results because ReClock is placed behind SVP in the DirectShow graph. So I searched around and found Avisynth´s "SelectEvery" (http://avisynth.org/mediawiki/SelectEvery). By virtue of the documentation it could be used to get rid of the frame duplicates, couldn´t it? But then we SVP-users have the problem that the Avisynth-section of ffdshow is blocked by SVP. Could additional instructions like "SelectEvery" be entered somewhere???
In a perfect dream SVP would detect video and film mode within the 720p50 material automatically and would call "SelectEvery" only for film based material.