Hello Maken, thank you very much much for the guide. I wasn't able to set it up to play optimally as I didn't know which settings to touch but your guide really helped me out a lot.
That said this might be off-topic but I have a question regarding to audio settings in potplayer.
Currently, I'm using a headphone via USB DAC with LAV Audio Decoder for watching videos on Potplayer though there are some settings in "audio" tab where I just don't know if I need to adjust them or not. Here is the screenshot of my current audio settings in potplayer:
I also turned on normalizer to boost the sound level:
My question is, do I need to turn on/tick settings under "reverb settings"? I'm not quite sure how these settings work and a little google search confuses me as I'm not sure if I need to turn them on or not.
Once again, thanks for the help.