(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

It was related to Windows 10 1511 (November Update) and Intel drivers.
New Intel .4326 Beta driver works perfectly.


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Thanks, I know what a TDR is: in my case it happens only during the benchmark and not during playback.

Ok there are two different problems:
1-The TDR was caused by a forgotten overclock, that was stable during playback but not in benchmark.
I removed it, and now it doesn't TDR (and crash) anymore. (This is the reason the TDR happened only "sometimes")

2-Still the benchmark always stops exactly at 84%.
It's not "freezed": both system load graph and the "green animation" over the progress bar continue to work.
Both CPU/GPU usage are near zero after it stops.

Can I help you in any way?

Hi, "part of the team" bug report: it seems in SVP4 (was ok in SVP 3.7) "assess system performance" always stops around 85%.
and the log reports only the CPU rating (and not GPU one).
Sometimes it triggers a TDR (driver stopped etc.) too-
Playback instead works ok, with GPU enabled. It's only the benchmark that doesn't work.


12:05:58.159 [i]: Performance: motion vectors estimation = 2084
12:06:08.675 [i]: Performance: CPU-based frame rendering = 2675


  Device Name                                     Intel(R) Iris(TM) Pro Graphics 5200
  Device Vendor                                   Intel(R) Corporation
  Device Vendor ID                                0x8086
  Device Version                                  OpenCL 1.2 
  Driver Version                        
  Device OpenCL C Version                         OpenCL C 1.2 
  Device Type                                     GPU
  Device Profile                                  FULL_PROFILE
  Max compute units                               40
  Max clock frequency                             1400MHz
  Device Partition                                (core)
    Max number of sub-devices                     0
    Supported partition types                     None
    Supported affinity domains                    None
  Max work item dimensions                        3
  Max work item sizes                             512x512x512
  Max work group size                             512
  Preferred work group size multiple              32
  Preferred / native vector sizes                 
    char                                                 1 / 1       
    short                                                1 / 1       
    int                                                  1 / 1       
    long                                                 1 / 1       
    half                                                 0 / 0        (n/a)
    float                                                1 / 1       
    double                                               0 / 0        (n/a)
  Half-precision Floating-point support           (n/a)
  Single-precision Floating-point support         (core)
    Denormals                                     No
    Infinity and NANs                             Yes
    Round to nearest                              Yes
    Round to zero                                 Yes
    Round to infinity                             Yes
    IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add               No
    Support is emulated in software               No
    Correctly-rounded divide and sqrt operations  Yes
  Double-precision Floating-point support         (n/a)
  Address bits                                    64, Little-Endian
  Global memory size                              1561123226 (1.454GiB)
  Error Correction support                        No
  Max memory allocation                           390280806 (372.2MiB)
  Unified memory for Host and Device              Yes
  Minimum alignment for any data type             128 bytes
  Alignment of base address                       1024 bits (128 bytes)
  Global Memory cache type                        Read/Write
  Global Memory cache size                        <printDeviceInfo:88: get CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHE_SIZE : error -30>
  Global Memory cache line                        64 bytes
  Image support                                   Yes
    Max number of samplers per kernel             16
    Max size for 1D images from buffer            24392550 pixels
    Max 1D or 2D image array size                 2048 images
    Base address alignment for 2D image buffers   4096 bytes
    Pitch alignment for 2D image buffers          64 bytes
    Max 2D image size                             16384x16384 pixels
    Max 3D image size                             2048x2048x2048 pixels
    Max number of read image args                 128
    Max number of write image args                128
  Local memory type                               Local
  Local memory size                               65536 (64KiB)
  Max constant buffer size                        65536 (64KiB)
  Max number of constant args                     8
  Max size of kernel argument                     1024
  Queue properties                                
    Out-of-order execution                        No
    Profiling                                     Yes
  Prefer user sync for interop                    Yes
  Number of simulataneous interops (Intel)        1
  Profiling timer resolution                      80ns
  Execution capabilities                          
    Run OpenCL kernels                            Yes
    Run native kernels                            No
    SPIR versions                                 1.2 
  printf() buffer size                            4194304 (4MiB)
  Built-in kernels                                block_motion_estimate_intel;block_advanced_motion_estimate_check_intel
  Motion Estimation accelerator version    (Intel)   2
  Device Available                                Yes
  Compiler Available                              Yes
  Linker Available                                Yes
  Device Extensions                               cl_intel_accelerator cl_intel_advanced_motion_estimation cl_intel_ctz cl_intel_d3d11_nv12_media_sharing cl_intel_dx9_media_sharing cl_intel_motion_estimation cl_intel_simultaneous_sharing cl_intel_subgroups cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d11_sharing cl_khr_depth_images cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing cl_khr_gl_depth_images cl_khr_gl_event cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_khr_icd cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_spir 

Ok, I'm glad to help. After that couple of hours of testing I watched a video back on24p... I think I can't watch 24-25p anymore. Ever.  smile

Tonight I'm going to test it using a full length movie, then I'll write back if it crashes again.

Have you tried reducing OpenCL "working units"? I'm a C# programmer, so I don't really understand how OpenCL works, but from testing with different GPU programs some time ago I remember that bigger "working units" are faster, but sometimes they may block the GPU for too much time, generating TDR problems.
Let me know when you have some new beta to test.
Bye, Davide

EDIT: So, TDR happened after 10-15 min. I reduced to 2xFPS and then it worked, at least for another 20min, I test more tonight.

I've tried al renderers, but I have to use madVR because I need color correction.
I've done a couple of hours of testing with 1080p-24fps music videos on madvr, and now it seems ok. Sometimes it resets, but only sometimes, and it doesn't need reboot,
What I've found so far that seems helping:
1- Disabling DXVA (then I removed LAV and used only ffdshow, as it's not needed anymore, this improve TDR a lot)
2- Disabling "exclusive mode" in madVR (this stop player and computer crashes when TDR timeout happens: it will will just pause and restart after some seconds, and seems to improveTDR too)
3- Limit SVP to 60 FPS (using profiles sets to 2x30 2.4x25 2.5x24, I use a 75fps projector,  improve TDR a lot)
4- Decrease both Motion Vectors settings to minimum (at least for 1080p seems to stop TDR definetely, other settings are at default)
5- Don't click buttons and menus while watching videos  big_smile

In general it seems that CPU load must stay under 60% to work without TDR. GPU load doesn't seems to create problems.

Tried downlocking: same problem.
I tried with luxmark: using GPU only and the heavier Scene (room).
Luxmark doesn't seems to crash on its own, however I can cause TDR clicking many times on SVP profiles combo boxes, like in the screenshot I sent you before.
It seems clicking these drop-down menus increase a lot the frequency of TDR, even without any SVP video running during luxmark.
I don't know if other Windows animations cause this, I'll take a look.

Disabling LAV dxva seems to decrease the frequency of TDR, but it still happens.
Null renderer seems to work ok, but sometimes just click for opening some menu on desktop cause TDR or system freeze.
For example: I clicked there to open the drop-down menu http://sdrv.ms/ZNWLwl and computer screen freezed (audio still playing).
It happened before changing the setting, right after clicking to open it, but it may happen in other places too.
Using madvr or evr increase the frequency, and it may happen even without clicking anything.

I've trieied disabling GPU Preemption HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\Scheduler\EnablePreemption, but then it freezes after 2-3 seconds of playing.
Disabling TDR stop TDR messages, but system freeze anyway.

No, the problem has always been there, using many different driver versions.
I don't get bsod, only tdr messages, and sometimes the player can't continue after driver reset and hangs.
I think the main problem are these tdr messages.
What does it change between the benchmark and the player? Because it is strange it hangs only during real playing.

Rimsky, I'm totally sure it's not overheating. This happens even just after 1-2 seconds. Sometimes it works for some minutes, sometimes it freeze after some seconds. However in general the computer doesn't hangs, only the player, and I can close it using task manager.

Probably it's something related with the Switchable Graphics sending screen data back and forth between Intel and AMD cards via pcie, or something related to OpenCL working unit size too big that trigger TDR.

Here's the log:

18:36:06.209; Start: SVPMgr 3.1.4 (901) starts...
18:36:06.209; AppDataPath: C:\Users\Davide\AppData\Roaming (ANSI)
18:36:06.209; Start: read settings file settings.ini
18:36:06.209; Start: load language file - English. Duration: 30 ms
18:36:06.239; Start: check launched instance of SVP-manager
18:36:06.239; Start: check Avisynth installed
18:36:06.239; Start: clear Logs folder
18:36:06.239; Start: performance graphs prepare. Duration: 10 ms
18:36:06.249; Start: SVPMgr folders prepare
18:36:06.249; Start: read settings file SVPMgr.ini
18:36:06.249; Start: GPUs settings detection. Duration: 235 ms
18:36:06.484; Start: detected graphics (OpenCL) adapter: 11. AMD Radeon 6600M and 6700M Series (498). Duration: 10 ms
18:36:06.494; Start: monitors settings detection. Duration: 700 ms
18:36:07.194; Start: detected monitor: 1024 x 768 @ 74.899
18:36:07.194; Start: disable LNG-file write when UAC enabled. Duration: 10 ms
18:36:07.204; Start: change SVP-manager priority
18:36:07.204; Start: register hotkeys
18:36:07.204; Start: get versions of modules used
ffdshow.ax/avisynth.dll: 1.3.4500.0/
18:36:07.204; Start: refresh autostart state in registry
18:36:07.204; Start: some more work with registry. Duration: 10 ms
18:36:07.214; Start: create menu. Duration: 10 ms
18:36:07.224; Start: update settings file settings.ini. Duration: 10 ms
18:36:07.234; Start: update monitor settings. Duration: 10 ms
18:36:07.244; Start: prepare "About the program" window. Duration: 10 ms
18:36:07.254; Start: enable ffdShow waiting mode
18:36:07.254; RefreshSVP
18:36:07.254; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video. Duration: 10 ms
18:36:07.264; Start: prepare to work is complete
18:36:21.524; ===== Detected playback with ffdShow
18:36:21.528; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD start. Duration: 67 ms
18:36:21.595; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD result: 1920x1080 23.976 1/1
18:36:21.604; T1T: begin. Duration: 7 ms
18:36:21.611; T1T: GetAllMediaParams. Duration: 6 ms
18:36:21.617; T1T: SettingsPrepare. Duration: 13 ms
18:36:21.630; T1T: Preparing smooth playback.... Duration: 8 ms
18:36:21.638; T1T: WriteAllMediaParamsToIni
18:36:21.642; SVPMgr: main "C:\Users\Davide\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\" 1920 1080 23.976 1920 1080 22 7. Duration: 220 ms
18:36:21.862; ===== Playback
23.976 * (22 : 7) = 75.353 fps
18:36:21.865; SetPriorityPlayer: 2


Around 55-60. It can reach 70 under stress testing like furmark.
However crashes happens even 1-5 seconds after start playing, they doesn't depend on temps.
It seems reducing "target frame rate" to 2x reduces crash frequency, but it still happens very often.

Hi, with GPU acceleration enabled SVP hangs and crash MPC-HC every 3-10 minutes. Often the TLDR message popup (driver stop responding).
I've an AMD HD6630M and disabling GPU works fine.
The GPU is good, it passes stress testing using Furmark without problems.
Is there some log I can send you to analyze what's the problem?