Recently I upgraded to an I7 3770K and have been experiencing a stutter when there is a movement of a large object going across the screen or when there's a scene with a flashing light, eg police car lights.
It only happens on certain objects/scenes when there is a big difference. For instance, 95% of the opening credits of Superman Returns is perfectly smooth, but a couple of times when the bright wording appears when there's motion in the background, it will sutter (scene change detection???).
This is not a drop in fps but something else. I can play any kind of fullscreen motion perfectly smooth, but when there's a certain flashing of something in the foreground, it stutters for only 1 second and then is fine.
Fullscreen panning is perfectly smooth unless there is a sudden object or lights flashing onto the screen.
It's a very strange issue and one I didn't have before on my I5?
I have a GTX 580, 8gb RAM, and there are no fps drops (it's always @ 60hz), and cpu usage is always low.
It seems like a scene detection issue?
I have tried so many different settings, I've tried blend adjacent frames and it's a little tiny bit better I think, but the problem is still there.
Tried different decoders, different video renderers (MADVR/EVR etc) and different players.
As I said, before I upgraded to the I7, I didn't have this problem. And I only changed the CPU, nothing else.
GTX 580
8gb RAM
Appreciate any help. Thanks