It shows Overlay Mixer Renderer.
I Know it's wrong, but as far as I remembered, I didn't change it...

Switched it to Enhanced Video Render (custom presenter)for it has most options available,
and now it works fine. Thanks for your precise diagnosis!
P.S: Which one is default? Which one would you suggest?

2. Not sure which list you're asking, the following imgur link is the PrintScrns

MAG79 wrote:

From your LastErrorLog.txt:

Error: Warning: there's a memory leak in the video player: 1646 MB

Normal value of memory use for 720p is 330-380 MB.
I think it is because of using Subtitle in ffdShow. Turn it off.

Can you give me that video file to test "Є«»yЁt¦CІД¤G©u12.mp4"?

I found it!
when I enable Outer lighting > Glow effect then seek video, it's easily causing memory leak for me. (1XXX MB)
Tested 2 random video.
Fill black bars only works fine
wait... just another Errorlog pop out
And now any video will cause the problem.
Just reset my PC, hope it's not system-relative sad
Reboot doesn't help.

There's also an minor issue with SVPTube.
Video seems being teared.

sometimes video doesn't follow the fullscreen, leaving something like a purple picture frame.
I've found a workaround: Stop video, go to fullscreeen, then play the video.

I'm embarrassed of reporting so many bugs.

I made a win 8 reset, seems works fine overall.
There's an Errorlog though, added below.

Chainik wrote:

It seems like it's a question to ASUS support wink

Yes it is, unfortunately ASUS would only pass the buck to AMD, vise versa.

IT WORKS! It works now, after I boot into save mode and delete AMD's stuff with driver fusion

I installed ASUS's out of date driver first, for the GPU options.
And SVP works now! Thank you all
update: Now my computer won't wakeup once hibernate.
Working on it. AMD drivers stuff is really tiring.

Ok, starting now

Rimsky wrote:


show dxdiag

Just installed AMD OpenCL SDK, thought it might didn't :"(

Rimsky wrote:

driver fusion

I've tried install drivers from before, but if I install AMD's, raither than ASUS's driver, I'll only get CPU otions, not GPUs (for example: vsync) in AMD vision engine control center
I guess it's a custom driver for OEM GPU cards.

sorry, Win 8 metro hide it, I have to search clinfo

clinfo.exe has stopped working
If CLINFO is under SVP's menu, I can't.
Everytime my cursor touches it, it disappears.

MAG79 wrote:

SVP worked well for about 2 weeks, then suddenly won't load today as OP.
I see in log.txt that GPU-acceleration (OpenCL) can't work properly.

What videocard do you have?
When did you install/update your video driver?

Start from reinstall video driver or return to previous stable version of video driver.

My PC is Brand computer ASUS CM1435 Desktop, so there's only one driver for each component.
I reinstalled AMD 7670HD driver, but the problem remains.
I installed AMD chipset driver recently, so I reinstall it too.
Then I reinstalled SVP project, attachment #2 Log.txt 560 b is the latest file.

MAG79 wrote:

Please put here SVP log from file Log.txt.
You can get it in the folder c:\ProgramData\SVP 3.1\Logs

Same problem here, this is mine.
SVP worked well for about 2 weeks, then suddenly won't load today as OP.

I've tried reboot, reinstall with delete old settings.