0.9.8 now reactivates Prismatik automatically when closing the video, thx!

Oh, then I guess it's Prismatik that should be updated to take control back... unless we find a way to send instructions to it directly.
An alternative would be to take over Prismatik for good and add options to configure the lights when no video is playing or during pause. For example, custom constant color, pulsating color, rotation, etc...

It's a bit out of SVP spectrum but if we go this way, how about adding an other option to read the audio (audio track of the video or when no video is playing, system's main audio output) with Vu-meter-like (level and/or frequency) effects. Would be nice with music videos.

I'm just throwing ideas wink

Hi, I just registered to thank you for your work, SVPlight is really the best piece of software to use stuff like Lightpack.

I noticed that when a video is launched, Prismatik is turned off. I would like to suggest adding an option to automatically reactivate (Turn On) Prismatik after closing the video.
