(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

1. YT has 2 types of videos now - 30 fps and 60 fps
2. SVPtube "renders" nothing, it just provides the URL that can be opened in any video player
3. SVP can interpolate whatever-you-want up to 120 Hz. It doesn't matter if the source is 10 fps or 60 fps. However 60 fps source will require MUCH more CPU power for interpolation.

In other words, if you have 120 Hz screen, SVP is running and set to "to screen refresh rate" and you'll open 60 fps YT stream via SVPtube - then it'll be interpolated to 120 fps

Where exactly do you set it "to screen refresh rate"?

Thank you


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Hello all,

As a lot of you may know, youtube recently introduced 60fps playback. This renders SVPtube useless for a lot of videos. However, regular old SVP is still great for me because it can take an MP4 and put it out at 120 fps. The Youtube side (SVPtube) however seems to be limited to 60fps. Is there any setting I can change so that SVPtube renders out to 120fps?

Thanks for any and all help!