(28 replies, posted in Using SVP)

after some testing, cpu usage seems to be around 55% at 4G. I reckon I can even go to 5G without any detriment.


(28 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

it's a virus

that's simple  big_smile

I take very good care of my computer
really?  big_smile

no need to be so condescending.

I figured it out. arveru.exe would not show up in the task manager, instead the application avir.tune would show to hog my system resources.
Following that to the map of Avira, which had 2 .exes; one of which was arveru.exe

A quick search online turns out it is freeware called Avira system speedup. Not sure if it is that specific program, or simply disguising as it.

In any case, I have no idea how that made its way into my computer as I have never downloaded it, nor would I ever trust any programs that promise to 'speed up' my pc.
After deleting the folder, my cpu usage in 1080p seemed to be back to normal.

So far, I seem to have fixed it. I will report again when I have confirmation all is back to normal.


(28 replies, posted in Using SVP)

no, it turns up nothing on google.
But as you guys developed the program, I was hoping you guys would know what it is.


(28 replies, posted in Using SVP)

MAG79 wrote:

If it is a trojan horse wreaking havoc, it is because you put it in your program
It is not true! Don't tell if you don't know

I'm not saying it is or could be a trojan. Chainik, an SVP developer, suggested it could be.

I will see see where it is located and try to figure out which program it is.
On another note, it seems people only read parts of what I write.

As I said, arveru.exe does not appear when I watch a movie in 720p. This mean it will also not appear when I am not using SVP.
It only appears when I watch a movie in 1080p, and causes me to use 100% of the CPU.
In 720p, without arveru.exe, it only uses about 30% of my CPU.


(28 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

it can be some kind of trojan horse
doing some bad things while user is watching movie

If it is a trojan horse wreaking havoc, it is because you put it in your program.
Like I said, this application only manifest itself whenever I watch something fullscreen, on 1080p. It does not happen in 720p, which is weird.

I take very good care of my computer and am sure it is virus-free.

I will right click and see its location. Will report back when I have done so.


(28 replies, posted in Using SVP)


This Arveru.exe only starts working whenever I watch a movie on 1080p.
As soon as I alt+tab out of the movie, Arveru.exe is terminated and my cpu usage is back to +-30% (see image below).
That's the reason why SVP works fine when looking at movies on 720p.
No matter the settings, this Arveru.exe does not start on 720p even though SVP is still working to improve the video.



(28 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I'm seriously tearing my hair out now.

The first time I ever installed this, it worked beautifully. There was some tearing in scenes and after reading some guides on it and making some adjustments, nothing works anymore.
When playing videos in 1280x720 on the highest setting it puts my cpu under +-30% load.
When I put it fullscreen, even the lowest setting apparently puts it under 100% load.

I've removed madVR: no change.

Anyone familiar with Arveru.exe?
That is the one that uses 75% of my cpu when I watch anything..


(28 replies, posted in Using SVP)

It is not overheating, neither is it throttling. The frequency changes dependent on the load, but when running SVP it is at its maximum frequency: 3.3Ghz.

I'll try removing every trace of everything and reinstalling the Potplayer + SVP, see if that solves anything.


(28 replies, posted in Using SVP)


nobody got any idea why SVP stutters and uses so much cpu power?
My hardware should easily be able to support it..


(28 replies, posted in Using SVP)

between 15-25%


(28 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Last processed file parameters:
Filename: Predestination.2014.720p.BluRay.x264.YIFY.mp4
Frame size and frame rate: 1280x534 pixels, 23.976 fps

Detected screen parameters
Screen size and refresh rate: 1920x1080 pixels, 60 Hz

Video smoothing info
Smooth factor: 5:2
Resulting video frame rate: 59.94 fps
Repeat 1 frame every 17 sec

Selected profile: 1280x720@24

Profile settings of video processing
[ExMethod=MSmoothFps_3]        Frames interpolation mode: Adaptive (default)
[ExAlgo=13]            SVP shader: 13. Standard (default)
[ExMulti=MON]            Target frame rate: To screen refresh rate (default)
[ExBlockSize=16x16:2]        Motion vectors grid: 12 px. Average 2 (default)
[ExRecalc=250:0]        Decrease grid step: By two with global refinemen
[TypeDist=Exh:-10:SATD]        Search radius: Average (default)
[ExPel=1]            Motion vectors precision: One pixel
[Badsad=1000:-24]        Wide search: Average (default)
[ExSadml=0]            Artifacts masking: Disabled (default)
[ExBlend=false]            Processing of scene changes: Repeat frame (default)
[ExDwnResize=0]            Decrease frame size: Disabled (default)

Settings by menu
[svp_libflowgpu=1]        GPU-acceleration (OpenCL): true
[ExThreads=0]            Processing threads: Auto
[StereoMode=0]            Stereo mode (3D): Plain 2D
[AutoCrop=1]            Auto crop black bars: true [0:0:0:0]
[HandCrop=None]            Frame crop: Disabled
[Borderlight=None]        Outer lighting: Disabled
[VDelay=0]            Video delay: 0 ms
[ExDemo=0]            Demonstration mode: false
[ExTearingTest=0]        Tearing test: false
[StopSmoothDelayOnRewind=1]    Turn off on seek: Turn off by 1 sec

I can't access the SVP menu while it happens in 1920x1080, but this is what it says just after hitting 100% and going back to 1280x720.
These settings are from 5G, after I re-installed SVP (thinking that might solve things).


(28 replies, posted in Using SVP)

My 260X is connected and my monitor is connected to it. That isn't the problem...


(28 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Hi there.
I'm having trouble setting up SVP because my CPU always seems to hit 100%.

I am running an i5-4590 + 260X.
I would imagine that would be enough to run SVP+madVR?

When I let the program detect the best settings, it sets it at 5G. This setting however, will cause my cpu to max out.
But even when I set it on 1G it will stutter in videos on 1920x1080 and max out my CPU.
I have set it to GPU-acceleration, but I am unsure if it doing anything.

Can anyone give me some feedback?