I have uncovered something fascinating.

If I alter the default script the slightest bit, I get the dependency error. If I leave it as it is, it works.

But I don't want 720p resized videos, and I want to have 60 FPS at all times.

Edit: Issue solved! It works as intended big_smile

Chainik wrote:

> the VapourSynth Plugin DLLs are not working correctly


I am having the same problem some others are having.


I have the correct file in place, and still nothing. If the file isn't present, the error is different. So it's likely that something changed in an update that no longer makes this process work.

Not all of us have the Pro version. Sorry for the Necro.

I think the VapourSynth Plugin DLLs are not working correctly. Would you care to look into this?