Chainik wrote:

please try this build (just replace .ax files in SVP 4\avsf folder) …

Nice, it's working now. I am loving how less CPU usage Avisynth Filter uses.
Sadly it crashes after a few seeks. Somtimes it dosen't even go past one before crashing.
I attached the latest log just in case you ask about it later.

Apparantly the log file is too large. I uploaded it to a host. You can download it here -

Chainik wrote:

this is really strange

Yeah, I don't know what's causing it either. It's annoying I only got this problem. I can only hope we find a fix

Chainik wrote:

does it work in MPC-HC?

I just tried with MP-HC but got the same results. It crashes immediate upon starting the playback

Chainik wrote:


ok... not really helpful big_smile
so it crashes immediately after starting playback, with any renderer, w/o SVP at all, right?
does it happen with any video file / format?
PotPlayer - the latest build (1.7.21311)?
any records about this crash in the Windows Event Viewer?

Ye, that's right it happens immediately after starting a playback.
Yes, it crashes with all renders even on auto. It doesn't matter which video format I am using either.
Sadly, I found nothing about any crash in the Event viewer. This really sucks. I was very eager to try it out lol

Chainik wrote:

run it with logging enabled: set "LogFile" to some writable file name under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\AviSynthFilter

I've attached the log file

Chainik wrote:

please enable logging and post the log here … 869#p76869

Do you mean from the event logger? If so I have attached the log

nemoW wrote:
TayyabKhalid wrote:

I wanted to try out this new filter but to no avail. SVP crashes on Potplayer 64-bit with EVR video renderer everytime I try to run any videos with Avisynth Filter. Any workaround?

try madVR

I have tried with others renderer as well, MadVR included but it crashes the moment I try to play video. I don't even get a chance to test the new filter

I wanted to try out this new filter but to no avail. SVP crashes on Potplayer 64-bit with EVR video renderer everytime I try to run any videos with Avisynth Filter. Any workaround?


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Any solutions?


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

MAG79 wrote:

Yes. As I can see you are talking about video jittering. At your screenshot, i see "Jitter:1ms". But I don't know how it looking.
Can you enable tearing test in SVP (orange moved test line)?
The line must move smoothly without stops and jumps.
How did it move to you?

One of the smoothest renderers is EVR CP in PMC-HC player. You need to enable D3D Fullscreen option and playback video at fullscreen. It is like an example of smoothness. Try to compare how it looks and how tearing test line moves.

I tested out your suggestions and MP-HC 64-bit is definitely smoother and the tearing line moves smoothly, without skipping or jumping. According to the statistics, it's not 0 in jitters but I don't even see the lags at this point.

While Potplayer 64-bit it jumps, skips and slows down every few or so seconds, but there are minor instances it moves smoothly but only for a moment.

That said, I would really like to use Potplayer 64-bit, I really like all the features it has and I use many of them. Like the playlist as an example which makes sorting videos so much easier. That's why I would appreciate if there was some way to solve this whitelist still using the same media player.


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

MAG79 wrote:

The jitter is in the statistic on the screen in PotPlayer or elsewhere?
Can you show screenshot?

I am kind of uncertain if I got what you mean, you wanted the screen for the jitter issue?

Also, when I am watching it slighly lags which is really annoying.


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

The title speaks for itself, it jumps between 1 and 2 and doesn't stay consistently on 0. I am using Potplayer 64-bit, are there any tips I could make use of?


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

MAG79 wrote:

Find the error in Windows logs and paste details here.

> 22:01:45.733 (i): Video: registry info - AMD/ATI Radeon R9 390
> 22:01:45.736 (i): Video: reading OpenCL info...

Or you can try reinstall graphics drivers.
Use DDU to completely uninstall corrupted drivers first. … nload.html

Thanks you, seems like uninstalling Intel drivers did the trick.


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

The software won't run when I double press it, I even tried to uninstall and then reinstall but still same. There is no indication that is software is running, the task manager shows nothing.

22:01:45.644 [i]: Main: starting up SVP 4 Pro []... 
22:01:45.645 [i]: Main: args: none
22:01:45.646 [i]: Main: working dir is C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\
22:01:45.646 [i]: Main: data dir set to C:\Users\MTK-PC\AppData\Roaming\SVP4\
22:01:45.648 [i]: Settings: loading main.cfg OK
22:01:45.648 [W]: Settings: creating ui.cfg with default values
22:01:45.650 [i]: Settings: loading ui.cfg OK
22:01:45.650 [W]: Settings: creating frc.cfg with default values
22:01:45.651 [i]: Settings: loading frc.cfg OK
22:01:45.651 [W]: Settings: creating profiles.cfg with default values
22:01:45.652 [i]: Settings: loading profiles.cfg OK
22:01:45.653 [i]: Settings: loading custom.cfg OK
22:01:45.653 [W]: Settings: creating lights.cfg with default values
22:01:45.654 [i]: Settings: loading lights.cfg OK
22:01:45.655 [i]: Main: using Qt 5.7.1 (i386-little_endian-ilp32 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 5.3.0)
22:01:45.655 [i]: Main: device scale is 1, user defined scale is 0
22:01:45.655 [i]: Main: system locale is [en]
22:01:45.656 [i]: Main: preferred language is [en-us]
22:01:45.657 [i]: Main: setting language file to en.qm...
22:01:45.702 [i]: Main: module 'plugins/svpflow1.dll':
22:01:45.705 [i]: Main: module 'plugins/svpflow2.dll':
22:01:45.706 [W]: Main: PATH doesn't contain mpv64 folder, VLC and libmpv players may not work
22:01:45.706 [W]: Main: PYTHONPATH doesn't contain mpv64 folder, VLC and libmpv players may not work
22:01:45.709 [i]: Main: running OpenCL info...
22:01:45.730 [i]: Main: collecting system information...
22:01:45.730 [i]: OS: Windows 8 [6.2.9200]
22:01:45.732 [i]: CPU: Intel Core i5-6600 [base frequency 3301 MHz, 4 threads]
22:01:45.733 [i]: Video: registry info - AMD/ATI Radeon R9 390
22:01:45.736 [i]: Video: reading OpenCL info...
makkara wrote:

After lates PotPlayer update 1.7.12248 (32bit). Potplayer crashes when moving playback position, like 1 min forward/backward. Dosnt crash if SVP is disabled.
Works fine with previous version 1.7.10667.

If someone wants to change back to working 1.7.10667 (32bit). Here is "PotPlayer.dll" file to do that, just replace the new one with this in your potplayer installation folder.
Virus scan of dll … /detection

Thanks man, I was actually suffering from this issue when I was trying to watch anime, you just saved me whole lots of headaches and trouble shooting! ^^


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Specifically, I wanna know about the media player like Potplayer and MP-HC. I would've tested it myself but I have so many settings and configuration so I would like to know before I convert to 64-bit.

Thanks, and I am looking forward to a favorable reply.


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Thanks for replying, how about 10 bit content will it play just like 8 bit or are there some issue I should be aware of?


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Just as the title says, I rather play 265 videos from now on but if I miss the usage of SVP I migh consider. That's why I am asking, please let me know.

Drakko01 wrote:

I always be in the search of improve my viewing experience, for that I been grateful eternally to svp, so for all of you who share that feeling, I recommend try the lav filters d3d11 option , for mi at lest is best  and it gives great improve

I use Mpc-be x64, Madvr 0.92.4, Lav Filters

Drakko01 wrote:

I always be in the search of improve my viewing experience, for that I been grateful eternally to svp, so for all of you who share that feeling, I recommend try the lav filters d3d11 option , for mi at lest is best  and it gives great improve

This sounds interesting, how do I use this D3D11 option for LAV filters, could you please put up some instructions?

Hi, I was wondering if there really is any use for Grid step? I am watching anime most of the times, does it make the video playback smoother or anything or should I just leave it disabled and save some CPU usage?

AMD Radeon R9 390 8GB/Blackplate edition
Intel Core i5-6600
16GB ram

I wanted to watch a movie in 10-bit and I saw an option in SVP to "allow output in 10-bit color depth". But is this for any player, like I am using potplayer 32-bit will it work? Also, the movie is actually anime.

Looking forward to the answers! ^^

The new update which got released today had one feature which I really wanted for a long time, the option to force exact framerate value, but I can't find this option anywhere, would someone be kind and show me where its located?

Thanks! ^^

EDIT: Nevermind I found it lol


Oh, then what should I set the scaling settings to DXVA?