(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Thanks.  I guess I hard derped.  Otherwise svp4 works like a charm.  Although I have a pretty overpowered computer to run it.


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Before I started using SVP, MPC would open at a decent size/resolution compared to the video.  After installing svp 4 pro, MPC always opens in a tiny window.  For the life of my I haven't found any settings to change the default size of the video when it opens. 

Any suggestions?

I have http://pcpartpicker.com/p/dC4czy , and I have svp4 pro with all additional programs installed.

Much appreciated.

Yeah.  I have a 5960x and a 980ti.  Setting cpu threads to 15 manually stopped all of my stutter issues.