(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

With Phones like the Note 10 and forthcoming 5G phones, is SVP for android possibly in the cards? I know that question may seem absurd, but I have to ask.

Phone batteries are getting larger and larger too. 4000Mah or 4300Mah isn't terrible, but probably nowhere near enough juice for SVP.

Still, the heatpipes in phones have come a long way in the last two generations too... Pwoplw are playing Fornight on their phones for lengthy periods now.
Perhaps SVP - Tube could be ported for cellular (Android) use!??

Phones might be able to convert 720p or 1080p videos?
Thanks SVP Team. Keep up the good work. Also wondering when 8k will be supported on desktop (or even laptop)


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Every 4k video I have now comes in HDR this makes a big difference / disadvantage (to 60FPS > SDR HDR.264 playback conversion Breaking using SVP).

It is a bummer. Thank you
Otherwise happy with SVP Code
Thank you


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Hi SVP Team,
Transcoding (4k) HDR .265 to .264-60FPS video results in the HDR > SDR filter not working or breaking in mpv64. Can this be fixed some point soon or is this just a limitation of the HDR>SDR conversion protocol?
Thank you


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Dunno why there's such a drop - I bought 4 asus NX500 laptops and on the recently received ones if I use SVP (used liquid metal to cool them) for mpv for 1440p videos, or transcoded (4k) videos I am getting many dropped frames, about a consistent 30 per second. Is some setting likely incorrect? I was able to play .264 transcoded 60fps and 1440p hevc videos at 60fps before.
I've simply exchanged-moved the M2 ssd between laptops, so same-original W/10 Operating system.

Cryptocurrency, not option :*( ? He-he-he

:*( passed HDR-BT2020 metadata, Useful feature doe transcoding 8k for simpler playback HFR playback, or 4k transcoding for simpler playback in my case.

Also interested with Sandro Pal & other people in tonemapping HDR>SDR High Frame-Rate playback for HDR BT-2020 color gamut on SDR (Quantum Dot?) displays. More power to HFR (high frame rate) tonemappping if mpv software permits.


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

SVPmark "4" would be nifty for 120/240hz 8k that are coming, it may not make sense as a first priority though could probably make sense for the newbies to interpolation.
24frame HDR>SDR Tonemapping is good and would be great if it could be enabled in 60+fps.


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Also try "Huge CPU Load" thread.

The Nvidia MPC-HC & Kodi drivers are GARBO/doa; some desktop-chip users have also had issues as well..

ZackStrife wrote:

You MUST address the driver settings through the Nvidia Inspector tool. It is quite Easy....
Follow this [Find bottom..] thread through approx.-#22 to GET GTX 965M to run with MPC-HC / SVP / Mad-VR
Pin Pon Pin Pon !
I followed the instructions just as said in the thread. Now it works, my GPU is shouldering the workload. My CPU is ~40-60% during 1080p video while my GPU is at 50-70%, and no need to talk about 720p which is even better.
So it seems that it's working for the moment, thanks for the help big_smile
For those with the same problem who are too lazy too read the thread :
You download Nvidia Inspector tool, then next to driver version you go to the profile settings.
Then you find Media Player Classic and you change this :
Enable application for Optimus = SHIM_RENDERING_MODE_ENABLE (0x00000001)
Shim Rendering Mode Options per application for Optimus = SHIM_RENDERING_OPTIONS_ENABLE_DWM_ASYNC_PRESENT (0x00000040)
And it should be working.


(51 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Good, -MPC-HC acceleration- Works.

Note that you have to repeat those steps because Optimus is broken..;
I haven't been able to get the MPC-profile to maintain/perpetuate/save the settings (Optimus sucks, remember?)..
Get used setting it each time you reboot. ;/


(51 replies, posted in Using SVP)


See here: Try it through Nvidia Inspector Profile settings.
Maxwell and some Kepler-Mobile chips are broken (NV driver--Optimus stinks-wreaks) through MPC-HC.
Apparently it's a rough-and-tumble fix b/c NV hasn't touched it for ca. 600 days.

Default Control panel does not work.

You MUST address the driver settings through the Nvidia Inspector tool. It is quite Easy....
Follow this [Find bottom..] thread through approx.-#22 to GET GTX 965M to run with MPC-HC / SVP / Mad-VR

[And for anyone reading] I'm still not optimistic about 4k (SVP) playback.. Unfortunately loads are just way too high, to the point of crashing/simply not (ever) opening just (vp9/hevc, or .264/mp4)..

I think we might be able to do it with forthcoming (Arctic islands/Kaby Lake/Zen- due to ff decoder) hardware.. Interpolating that, even with ff decoders still might not be a walk in the park (ChainSVP? Thoughts or 2) experience on Skylake HEVC/4K .264 videos?analogous extrapolation.. Ty for informing: so that we understand AMD Zen/Kaby SVP/Madvr decode)

Even 2560x 1440 (2k) MP4 (.264) files don't play well on laptop-esque quadcores atm.. (not throttling below about 2.6Ghz)
I believe part of that is extremely SHIT ff decoders (EVEN FOR .264) Intel purposely left/put in/on Haswell hardware  [essentially they only handle through 1080p max]

Fuck you Intel. At least should have appropriately specced your .264 decode. Fucking extreme @ssholes.

And yes, back to the point: The mobile-Nvidia driver is the largest {UNADDRESSED} steaming pile of fail, probably ever in my book.
Mobile first: Shove off Nvidia. 1.5 yrs later the problem PERSISTS. 

I'm still considering returning my laptop with a 4k-Quantum-dot (CadSe) display because of these issues. ABSOLUTE SHITE

Steps off soap-box*..

http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t … amp;page=2

Also didn't mention:
When Streaming YouTube Videos to SVPTube
You end up with various innacurate video lengths (00:10seconds, :50, 1:10, 2:00, and so on) which are much shorter than the average/actual whole YouTube video, say four 4-5 minutes or any other length.
Sometimes it reads, registers, and will playback the whole, say 50 minute video, but this doesn't necessarily happen on the first or second try.

There are a couple videos I have come across which 'fail to render' another user had already posted as working. This was their test-demo (which they were pleased with) which doesn't render-open up in MPC-HC for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-B5XAxDQ8w
Sooo.. for me, It's been difficult to watch a whole YouTube Video through SVP! Am I missing something....? If so I... well.. that sucks. Is it possible 1.7.10 somehow isn't ideally compatible with SVPTube 1.2.5a at the moment?

I'm shocked to not have seen others mentioning 4k performance so much (or bugs therin). Not speaking for others but having major issues on the 4702HQ /GTX 850m at almost any setting. 16GB DRam so certainly no odd issues there. Optimus is working as it's supposed to. MCH-HC EVR-CP Or Mad VR.
Are others getting fair performance at 4k? Share your recent experience with SVP and read on.

1a) I'm not complaining VP9 4k option isn't around yet, for the obvious complication of (confounding load). This makes sense, will this be around in the (near) future?

It may just be, or of course could be a lack of CPU power (lack of a fixed function interpolator)
Let alone Quality 2k/4K MP4 LET ALONE VP9 decode HW,

But I'm encountering performance issues. 4k is completely soft reset/crash, and 2k MP4 (MPC-HC 1.7.10 > EVR-CP MADVR)
2) Are we going to be able to run 8k interpolation of any kind with current CPU/fundamental concurrent -CPU- silicon technology, or is SVP hitting the end of the line at 4k interpolation, or possibly even just the current 1080p, with current methods / CPU power-innefficiencies
/fundamental CPU limitations interpolating frames?!

This question I think needs an answer. Thank you for reading and addressing performance issues/questions.
Back to expatiating/comisserating [in my case, it's safe to say complaining at the moment]
   I don't know if others are able to interpolate 4k at 60/120fps through their computer panels/displays/ monitors. I would love to see some, any feedback here on that: others SVP experience (particularly through say SVP-You-Tube)...
So that others, users, and devs can benefit at large.

Performance issue first:
720p are about all I can -properly at 60fps- sustain through MPC/EVR-CP/SVP4. 1080p won't even play generally above/beyond say 50fps.
I'm having non-default sizing issues irregardless of weather through SVPTube, or the SVP4 project itself [720p 23p files]!
It [Freezes, perpetual failure to continue to playback the buffered YouTube source-file] may, potentially, be some... tertiary issue, but SVPTube is very buggy when enlarging [or attempting to fix/make better] that small (approx 1/50th of my and others -who've mentioned this experience- screen) Player-Box (Client MPC/PotPlayer/Kodi ETC) to appropriate playback, or any desired, say for instance fullscreen for that matter, sizes.

I don't want MPC-to open to a statically-sized box everytime it (a file) opens. I want it to open to the proper resolution: on my 4k or say 1440p monitor, so that I don't have to still resize every single stream-size, every time I load a video. PRAY IT DOESN'T -seemingly inexplicably- FREEZE IF you're/I'm streaming through SVP.
Others have mentioned this issue, I don't know weather a fix is indeed coming, but I think it needs MORE attention. I'm very skeptical, but maybe it's somehow related to 4k? It's very frusterating.


Lastly, my surmising/ loosely analogous Performance extrapolating (issue).
I could be 100% wrong, although My impression is/would be that higher Bit-rates (use 120mbps as a quasi-ideal instance - because that's for example/instance 4k UHD standard will run at --23fps content-)
would require a fair bit more CPU-resource than current consumer CPU will likely be capable of giving us.
At least 8/10core CPU required.... To say nothing of 8k [--which I would think is simply not possible to Interpolate whatsoever w/o FF interpolation hardware].
I'd like more comments on 4k SVP performance others are seeing (.264 .265, or VP9)...

Level of satisfaction and scaling concerns with SVP/Interpolation for the future......
As it is/stands the project is fairly developed, [THANKS!] but I find that perceptually relatively minor issues, make using SVP4 a relatively MAJOR PAIN right now (particularly, all the moreso thru SVPTube due the default resolution file playback freezes/errors, at least on my laptop), but I think/wonder it might also be my hardware configuration, or if as aforementioned software interpolation techniques (SVP project) just cannot be done on highly innefficient, latency-architectured CPU technology..

Are others having just as buggy an experience as I am? With SVPTube things are outright not opitmal, running straight files things are a bit better (at least the files generally don't/won't freeze unless the Player simply cannot interpolate them effectively at all (2k VP9/4K), but Even so, I'm running just 2.8GHZ (7 SVP) threads and 850M (Maxwell) MPC-HC 1.7.10 (either Mad-VR/EVR-CP)

I WANT, very much to use SVP, but these seemingly fairly simple little issues (and more importantly, a couple of bugs) are really making it impossible to integrate more-or-less seamlessly into my casual/day-to-day 'work-flow' (freezes/resizes are particularly, terribly annoying actually).

3) If SVPtube could open Youtube files at their appropriate resolution (not tiny box that's glitchy-at least for me personally- to resize, and freezes) like the any other run of the mill whole-file does (when not tandem/coterminously running SVP) that would be one terrrific step in a good direction. It would be a relief.

And Thanks a whole bouquet to the developers for having delivered so much this far!

Would, again.. Appreciate others sharing their experience with 4k/desktop use for SVP...

Is even just 4k viable through ~ 3.5 or 4ghz processors, or are 8 core cpus really required to get the job done without fixed-function interpolation circuits?