Chainik wrote:

you have a rendering device overridden in all the video profiles
and for some reason some device IDs are no longer valid (probably because of hardware changes)
just remove ("Do not change") / re-set "Rendering device" value

>  The only possibility I can think of is the Windows Creators update screwing something up?

As I can't see Intel's OpenCL device in the list, the update may screw the Intel video driver, and this's the reason why device IDs are "shifted".

Sorry but where do I "just remove ("Do not change") / re-set "Rendering device" value"? Also the intel thing may be because I disabled my integrated GPU in bios like 6 months ago.

I have also now tried uninstalling and reinstalling SVP 4 Pro and DDU again with older Nvidia drivers that I know have worked in the past

Edit: Oh... I have now found the option and see what you mean. Thank you for your support!

Chainik wrote:

You'd better send a report via SVP.

> The error still shows up even when I turn GPU acceleration off.

this's just not possible

BTW, if you're talking about VLC 3.0 and have both Intel IGP and normal video card then try to un-comment (remove "//") the following line in SVP 4\script\override.js file:

smooth.gpuid = 0;

I have sent a report via SVP. That's exactly what I am thinking which is what makes the issue so perplexing. The error still shows up with GPU acceleration disabled. I normally use Potplayer but I've also tried with mpv and get a similar error in the SVP log.


I am now having issues with the above error. I have searched for all past threads on this isue and it seems like the only suggestion has been to use DDU to unistall the drivers. I have attempted this already but it has not worked. I am using a GTX 1080Ti and I have tried multiple graphics driver versions. I now have no idea on how to resolve this issue. The only possibility I can think of is the Windows Creators update screwing something up? But I believe I have had it working after the update and there also appears to be a few people who have SVP working on the creators update. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. I am running the lastest version of SVP4 Pro

Further Information: I have also noticed that this error pops up no matter what my GPU acceleration settings are. The error still shows up even when I turn GPU acceleration off.


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

After playing around with some settings and stuff, I have found a semi-solution for the frame dropping. Firstly, surprisingly, it doesn't seem like my GTX970 can handle image doubling at all for a 1440p monitor (my monitor is a 60hz overclockable to 120hz). With image doubling turned off, I do not get any frame drops what so ever in windowed mode even if the window basically covers the full screen. In full screen mode, I am dropping around 3-5 frames per second at 1440p96. However, It seems like I am able to reduce the frame rate dropping to around 1 frame per 10-20 seconds by increasing the CPU and GPU queue size.


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

MAG79 wrote:
Vyphox wrote:

does anyone have an explanation for the dropped frames even though the GPU is only running at 60% usage?

Possible reasons:
- lack of CPU preformance - you need to reduce settings;
- secondary display - make current display primary or turn off all others temporally to check if it helps;
- framerate not equal to display refresh rate - make it equal;
- disabled exclusive mode in madVR - enable it and switch to Fullscreen mode.

1. I have a 4790k which is clocked at 4.7ghz. I don't think that this a limiting factor (only around 40% usage).
2. I only have one monitor.
3. How do I go about making sure that the fps is equal to the display refresh rate? Are you talking about the small differences?
4. Could you please explain this one a bit more? Do I disable it in the video section of potplayer? What settings should I have in madVR?

Thank you!


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

mashingan wrote:

Refresh rate has nothing to do with GPU usage.

Upscaling and downscaling are the issues. The more it upscales or downscales, the more strains are for GPU.

There's nothing abnormal about your issues smile

Wouldn't a higher refresh rate mean that more frames will have to be rendered thus increasing GPU usage (with SVP)? Sorry if I'm missing something. I understand that upscaling it more will strain the GPU more but I am just confused on how maxing out the settings is less straining than upscaling just to 1440p (can't even handle 16 neurons).

If upscaling is actually that much more straining, what would be the better option? 1440p with no image doubling or maximum settings with 1080p? Also, does anyone have an explanation for the dropped frames even though the GPU is only running at 60% usage?

Thank you!


I have just noticed some abnormalities with my GPU usage at the native resolution of my monitor (2560x1440).
Basically, if turn on image doubling in madVR at any number of neurons, the gpu usage goes to around 95%. This is regardless of what refresh rate the monitor is at it seems. Lowering the refresh rate only drops usage by 1-2% and frames are still being dropped at a very high rate (around 70 per second?).

The odd thing is that when I scale the window down a little to take up around 2/3 of the screen, gpu usage is only at around 40-50% but past some certain point, it just jumps to the 90's. Furthermore, when I turn the resolution of my monitor down to 1920 x 1080, I can basically use max image doubling settings and chroma doubling settings at 96fps (see attached image) and the gpu usage is only at around 60% (2-3 frames are still being dropped per second for some reason).

Thank you for your help!