Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:
woopdeedoodaa wrote:

To be fair it has been a while since I tried svp4 so that might not reflect the current state of things, must update and try again

My experience with SVP4 has been better than 3.1.7 since even the ore-release and beta versions.

Thanks for bringing up svp 4, I've updated it and I'm getting at least as good results as svp 3.1.7, if not better. It might have been a driver update in the meantime that was giving me bad results. Either way I'd now recommended svp4 to you riot_9. Fairly simple and straightforward, start with the settings on film, low artifact masking and maximum performance and if that works for you increase the performance/quality slider bit by bit until you are getting as much quality as you can while still getting a stable 60fps. Let us know how you got on.

To be fair it has been a while since I tried svp4 so that might not reflect the current state of things, must update and try again. And good luck riot_9

Hey, svp is mainly cpu limited so the upgrades won't really help but your cpu should be strong enough to get things working. You could try svp4, just install and you're good to go, but I've been getting better results with the old svp 3 branch. Follow the install guide here - … alling_SVP choose SVP Full and skip the optional components. Once everything is installed double click on the svp icon in the tray and set it to look like this

If that works then enjoy! If not then let me know and I'll try to help