Meanwhile I did some testing and noticed that the problem only occurs with Avisynth+ (r2772, MT), while when using the old Avisynth MT the problem doesn't occur.
-> seems like it's some incompatibility between Avisynth+ and the Avisynth SVP filters.

Any idea how to fix or debug  the 32bit handling?

Got the problem that 64bit Vapoursynth works fine with SVP (svpflow-, but 32bit Avisynth+ doesn't.

using Avisynth+ 32bit with:

# loading source: F:\TestClips&Co\files\test.avi
#  input color sampling YV12
#  input luminance scale tv
# current resolution: 640x352
# filtering
return last

and InterFram2.avsi containing:

#                                                                              #
#                         InterFrame 2.8.2 by SubJunk                          #
#                                                                              #
#         A frame interpolation script that makes accurate estimations         #
#                   about the content of non-existent frames                   #
#      Its main use is to give videos higher framerates like newer TVs do      #

# For instructions and further information see the included InterFrame.html
# For news go to

function InterFrame(clip Input, string "Preset", string "Tuning", int "NewNum", int "NewDen", bool "GPU", string "InputType", int "OverrideAlgo", int "OverrideArea", int "Cores", bool "FrameDouble") {
    # Defaults
    Preset        = default(Preset      , "Medium")
    NewNum        = default(NewNum      , 0       )
    NewDen        = default(NewDen      , 0       )
    Tuning        = default(Tuning      , "Film"  )
    GPU           = default(GPU         , false   )
    InputType     = default(InputType   , "2D"    )
    OverrideAlgo  = default(OverrideAlgo, 0       )
    OverrideArea  = default(OverrideArea, 0       )
    FrameDouble   = default(FrameDouble , false   )

    # Convert integers to strings
    NewNum       = String(NewNum)
    NewDen       = String(NewDen)
    OverrideAlgo = String(OverrideAlgo)
    OverrideArea = String(OverrideArea)

    # Validate inputs
    Assert(Preset == "Medium" || Preset == "Fast" || Preset == "Faster" || Preset == "Fastest", "'"+Preset+"' is not a valid preset. Please check the documentation for a list of the valid presets.")
    Assert(Tuning == "Film" || Tuning == "Smooth" || Tuning == "Animation" || Tuning == "Weak", "'"+Tuning+"' is not a valid tuning. Please check the documentation for a list of the valid tunings.")
    Assert(InputType == "2D" || InputType == "SBS" || InputType == "OU" || InputType == "HSBS" || InputType == "HOU", "'"+InputType+"' is not a valid InputType. Please check the documentation for a list of the valid InputTypes.")
    Assert(Defined(Cores), "You must enter a value for Cores. Please check the documentation for details.")

    # Get either 1 or 2 clips depending on InputType
    InputType == "SBS" ? Eval("""
        FirstEye  = InterFrameProcess(Input.crop(0            , 0, -Input.Width/2, 0), Preset=Preset, Tuning=Tuning, NewNum=NewNum, NewDen=NewDen, GPU=GPU, InputType=InputType, OverrideAlgo=OverrideAlgo, OverrideArea=OverrideArea, Cores=Cores, FrameDouble=FrameDouble)
        SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.crop(Input.Width/2, 0, 0             , 0), Preset=Preset, Tuning=Tuning, NewNum=NewNum, NewDen=NewDen, GPU=GPU, InputType=InputType, OverrideAlgo=OverrideAlgo, OverrideArea=OverrideArea, Cores=Cores, FrameDouble=FrameDouble)
        StackHorizontal(FirstEye, SecondEye)
    """) : InputType == "OU" ? Eval("""
        FirstEye  = InterFrameProcess(Input.crop(0, 0             , 0, -Input.Height/2), Preset=Preset, Tuning=Tuning, NewNum=NewNum, NewDen=NewDen, GPU=GPU, InputType=InputType, OverrideAlgo=OverrideAlgo, OverrideArea=OverrideArea, Cores=Cores, FrameDouble=FrameDouble)
        SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.crop(0, Input.Height/2, 0, 0              ), Preset=Preset, Tuning=Tuning, NewNum=NewNum, NewDen=NewDen, GPU=GPU, InputType=InputType, OverrideAlgo=OverrideAlgo, OverrideArea=OverrideArea, Cores=Cores, FrameDouble=FrameDouble)
        StackVertical(FirstEye, SecondEye)
    """) : InputType == "HSBS" ? Eval("""
        FirstEye  = InterFrameProcess(Input.crop(0            , 0, -Input.Width/2, 0).Spline36Resize(Input.Width, Input.Height), Preset=Preset, Tuning=Tuning, NewNum=NewNum, NewDen=NewDen, GPU=GPU, InputType=InputType, OverrideAlgo=OverrideAlgo, OverrideArea=OverrideArea, Cores=Cores, FrameDouble=FrameDouble)
        SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.crop(Input.Width/2, 0, 0             , 0).Spline36Resize(Input.Width, Input.Height), Preset=Preset, Tuning=Tuning, NewNum=NewNum, NewDen=NewDen, GPU=GPU, InputType=InputType, OverrideAlgo=OverrideAlgo, OverrideArea=OverrideArea, Cores=Cores, FrameDouble=FrameDouble)
        StackHorizontal(FirstEye.Spline36Resize(Input.Width/2, Input.Height), SecondEye.Spline36Resize(Input.Width/2, Input.Height))
    """) : InputType == "HOU" ? Eval("""
        FirstEye  = InterFrameProcess(Input.crop(0, 0             , 0, -Input.Height/2).Spline36Resize(Input.Width, Input.Height), Preset=Preset, Tuning=Tuning, NewNum=NewNum, NewDen=NewDen, GPU=GPU, InputType=InputType, OverrideAlgo=OverrideAlgo, OverrideArea=OverrideArea, Cores=Cores, FrameDouble=FrameDouble)
        SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(Input.crop(0, Input.Height/2, 0, 0              ).Spline36Resize(Input.Width, Input.Height), Preset=Preset, Tuning=Tuning, NewNum=NewNum, NewDen=NewDen, GPU=GPU, InputType=InputType, OverrideAlgo=OverrideAlgo, OverrideArea=OverrideArea, Cores=Cores, FrameDouble=FrameDouble)
        StackVertical(FirstEye.Spline36Resize(Input.Width, Input.Height/2), SecondEye.Spline36Resize(Input.Width, Input.Height/2))
    """) : Eval("""
        InterFrameProcess(Input, Preset=Preset, Tuning=Tuning, NewNum=NewNum, NewDen=NewDen, GPU=GPU, InputType=InputType, OverrideAlgo=OverrideAlgo, OverrideArea=OverrideArea, Cores=Cores, FrameDouble=FrameDouble)

function InterFrameProcess(clip Input, string "Preset", string "Tuning", string "NewNum", string "NewDen", bool "GPU", string "InputType", string "OverrideAlgo", string "OverrideArea", int "Cores", bool "FrameDouble") {
    # Create SuperString
    Preset == "Fastest" ? Eval("""
        SuperString = "{pel:2,"
    """) : Preset == "Fast" || Preset == "Faster" ? Eval("""
        SuperString = "{pel:1,"
    """) : Eval("""
        SuperString = "{"

    GPU == true ? Eval("""
        SuperString = SuperString + "scale:{up:0,down:4},gpu:1,rc:false}"
    """) : Eval("""
        SuperString = SuperString + "scale:{up:2,down:4},gpu:0,rc:false}"

    # Create VectorsString
    Tuning == "Animation" || Preset == "Fastest" ? Eval("""
        VectorsString = "{block:{w:32,"
    """) : Tuning == "Fast" || Preset == "Faster" || GPU == false ? Eval("""
        VectorsString = "{block:{w:16,"
    """) : Eval("""
        VectorsString = "{block:{w:8,"

    Tuning == "Animation" || Tuning == "Fastest" ? Eval("""
        VectorsString = VectorsString + "overlap:0"
    """) : Preset == "Faster" && GPU == true ? Eval("""
        VectorsString = VectorsString + "overlap:1"
    """) : Eval("""
        VectorsString = VectorsString + "overlap:2"

    Tuning == "Animation" ? Eval("""
        VectorsString = VectorsString + "},main:{search:{coarse:{type:2,"
    """) : Preset == "Faster" ? Eval("""
        VectorsString = VectorsString + "},main:{search:{coarse:{"
    """) : Eval("""
        VectorsString = VectorsString + "},main:{search:{distance:0,coarse:{"

    Tuning == "Animation" ? Eval("""
        VectorsString = VectorsString + "distance:-6,satd:false},distance:0,"
    """) : Tuning == "Weak" ? Eval("""
        VectorsString = VectorsString + "distance:-1,trymany:true,"
    """) : Eval("""
        VectorsString = VectorsString + "distance:-10,"

    Tuning == "Animation" || Preset == "Faster" || Preset == "Fastest" ? Eval("""
        VectorsString = VectorsString + "bad:{sad:2000}}}}}"
    """) : Tuning == "Weak" ? Eval("""
        VectorsString = VectorsString + "bad:{sad:2000}}}},refine:[{thsad:250,search:{distance:-1,satd:true}}]}"
    """) : Eval("""
        VectorsString = VectorsString + "bad:{sad:2000}}}},refine:[{thsad:250}]}"

    # Create SmoothString
    NewNum != "0" ? Eval("""
        SmoothString = "{rate:{num:"+NewNum+",den:"+NewDen+",abs:true},"
    """) : Input.Framerate == 15 || Input.Framerate == 25 || Input.Framerate == 30 || FrameDouble == true ? Eval("""
        SmoothString = "{rate:{num:2,den:1,abs:false},"
    """) : Eval("""
        SmoothString = "{rate:{num:60000,den:1001,abs:true},"

    OverrideAlgo != "0" ? Eval("""
        SmoothString = SmoothString + "algo:"+OverrideAlgo+",mask:{cover:80,"
    """) : Tuning == "Animation" ? Eval("""
        SmoothString = SmoothString + "algo:2,mask:{"
    """) : Tuning == "Smooth" ? Eval("""
        SmoothString = SmoothString + "algo:23,mask:{"
    """) : Eval("""
        SmoothString = SmoothString + "algo:13,mask:{cover:80,"

    OverrideArea != "0" ? Eval("""
        SmoothString = SmoothString + "area:"+OverrideArea
    """) : Tuning == "Smooth" ? Eval("""
        SmoothString = SmoothString + "area:150"
    """) : Eval("""
        SmoothString = SmoothString + "area:0"

    Tuning == "Weak" ? Eval("""
        SmoothString = SmoothString + ",area_sharp:1.2},scene:{blend:true, mode:0, limits: {blocks: 50}}}"
    """) : Eval("""
        SmoothString = SmoothString + ",area_sharp:1.2},scene:{blend:true, mode:0}}"

    # Make interpolation vector clip
    Super   = SVSuper(Input, SuperString)
    Vectors = SVAnalyse(Super, VectorsString)

    # Put it together
    smooth_video = SVSmoothFps(Input, Super, Vectors, SmoothString, url="", mt=Cores)

I get:

SVSmoothFps: unable to init GPU-based renderer [code 0x10000]

using 64bit Vapoursynth and

# Imports
import os
import sys
import vapoursynth as vs
core = vs.get_core()
# Import scripts folder
scriptPath = 'I:/Hybrid/64bit/vsscripts'
# Loading Plugins
# Import scripts
import havsfunc
# Loading F:\TestClips&Co\files\test.avi using FFMS2K
clip = core.ffms2.Source(source="F:/TESTCL~1/files/test.avi",cachefile="E:/Temp/avi_078c37f69bb356e7b5fa040c71584c40_41.ffindex",format=vs.YUV420P8,alpha=False)
# making sure input color matrix is set as unspec
clip = core.resize.Point(clip, matrix_in_s="unspec",range_s="limited")
# making sure frame rate is set to 25/1
clip = core.std.AssumeFPS(clip, fpsnum=25, fpsden=1)
# Setting color range to TV (limited) range.
clip = core.std.SetFrameProp(clip=clip, prop="_ColorRange", intval=1)
# adjusting frame count with Interframe/SVP
clip = havsfunc.InterFrame(clip, NewNum=60, NewDen=1, GPU=True)
# Output

with havsfunc.InterFrame being:

#                                                                              #
#                         InterFrame 2.8.2 by SubJunk                          #
#                                                                              #
#         A frame interpolation script that makes accurate estimations         #
#                   about the content of non-existent frames                   #
#      Its main use is to give videos higher framerates like newer TVs do      #
# For instructions and further information see the included InterFrame.html
# For news go to
def InterFrame(Input, Preset='Medium', Tuning='Film', NewNum=None, NewDen=1, GPU=False, InputType='2D', OverrideAlgo=None, OverrideArea=None,
    if not isinstance(Input, vs.VideoNode):
        raise TypeError('InterFrame: This is not a clip')

    # Validate inputs
    Preset = Preset.lower()
    Tuning = Tuning.lower()
    InputType = InputType.upper()
    if Preset not in ['medium', 'fast', 'faster', 'fastest']:
        raise ValueError("InterFrame: '{Preset}' is not a valid preset".format(Preset=Preset))
    if Tuning not in ['film', 'smooth', 'animation', 'weak']:
        raise ValueError("InterFrame: '{Tuning}' is not a valid tuning".format(Tuning=Tuning))
    if InputType not in ['2D', 'SBS', 'OU', 'HSBS', 'HOU']:
        raise ValueError("InterFrame: '{InputType}' is not a valid InputType".format(InputType=InputType))

    def InterFrameProcess(clip):
        # Create SuperString
        if Preset in ['fast', 'faster', 'fastest']:
            SuperString = '{pel:1,'
            SuperString = '{'

        SuperString += 'gpu:1}' if GPU else 'gpu:0}'

        # Create VectorsString
        if Tuning == 'animation' or Preset == 'fastest':
            VectorsString = '{block:{w:32,'
        elif Preset in ['fast', 'faster'] or not GPU:
            VectorsString = '{block:{w:16,'
            VectorsString = '{block:{w:8,'

        if Tuning == 'animation' or Preset == 'fastest':
            VectorsString += 'overlap:0'
        elif Preset == 'faster' and GPU:
            VectorsString += 'overlap:1'
            VectorsString += 'overlap:2'

        if Tuning == 'animation':
            VectorsString += '},main:{search:{coarse:{type:2,'
        elif Preset == 'faster':
            VectorsString += '},main:{search:{coarse:{'
            VectorsString += '},main:{search:{distance:0,coarse:{'

        if Tuning == 'animation':
            VectorsString += 'distance:-6,satd:false},distance:0,'
        elif Tuning == 'weak':
            VectorsString += 'distance:-1,trymany:true,'
            VectorsString += 'distance:-10,'

        if Tuning == 'animation' or Preset in ['faster', 'fastest']:
            VectorsString += 'bad:{sad:2000}}}}}'
        elif Tuning == 'weak':
            VectorsString += 'bad:{sad:2000}}}},refine:[{thsad:250,search:{distance:-1,satd:true}}]}'
            VectorsString += 'bad:{sad:2000}}}},refine:[{thsad:250}]}'

        # Create SmoothString
        if NewNum is not None:
            SmoothString = '{rate:{num:' + repr(NewNum) + ',den:' + repr(NewDen) + ',abs:true},'
        elif clip.fps_num / clip.fps_den in [15, 25, 30] or FrameDouble:
            SmoothString = '{rate:{num:2,den:1,abs:false},'
            SmoothString = '{rate:{num:60000,den:1001,abs:true},'

        if OverrideAlgo is not None:
            SmoothString += 'algo:' + repr(OverrideAlgo) + ',mask:{cover:80,'
        elif Tuning == 'animation':
            SmoothString += 'algo:2,mask:{'
        elif Tuning == 'smooth':
            SmoothString += 'algo:23,mask:{'
            SmoothString += 'algo:13,mask:{cover:80,'

        if OverrideArea is not None:
            SmoothString += 'area:{OverrideArea}'.format(OverrideArea=OverrideArea)
        elif Tuning == 'smooth':
            SmoothString += 'area:150'
            SmoothString += 'area:0'

        if Tuning == 'weak':
            SmoothString += ',area_sharp:1.2},scene:{blend:true,mode:0,limits:{blocks:50}}}'
            SmoothString += ',area_sharp:1.2},scene:{blend:true,mode:0}}'

        # Make interpolation vector clip
        Super = core.svp1.Super(clip, SuperString)
        Vectors = core.svp1.Analyse(Super['clip'], Super['data'], clip, VectorsString)

        # Put it together
        return core.svp2.SmoothFps(clip, Super['clip'], Super['data'], Vectors['clip'], Vectors['data'], SmoothString)

    # Get either 1 or 2 clips depending on InputType
    if InputType == 'SBS':
        FirstEye = InterFrameProcess(core.std.Crop(Input, right=Input.width // 2))
        SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(core.std.Crop(Input, left=Input.width // 2))
        return core.std.StackHorizontal([FirstEye, SecondEye])
    elif InputType == 'OU':
        FirstEye = InterFrameProcess(core.std.Crop(Input, bottom=Input.height // 2))
        SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(core.std.Crop(Input, top=Input.height // 2))
        return core.std.StackVertical([FirstEye, SecondEye])
    elif InputType == 'HSBS':
        FirstEye = InterFrameProcess(core.std.Crop(Input, right=Input.width // 2).resize.Spline36(Input.width, Input.height))
        SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(core.std.Crop(Input, left=Input.width // 2).resize.Spline36(Input.width, Input.height))
        return core.std.StackHorizontal([core.resize.Spline36(FirstEye, Input.width // 2, Input.height),
                                         core.resize.Spline36(SecondEye, Input.width // 2, Input.height)])
    elif InputType == 'HOU':
        FirstEye = InterFrameProcess(core.std.Crop(Input, bottom=Input.height // 2).resize.Spline36(Input.width, Input.height))
        SecondEye = InterFrameProcess(core.std.Crop(Input, top=Input.height // 2).resize.Spline36(Input.width, Input.height))
        return core.std.StackVertical([core.resize.Spline36(FirstEye, Input.width, Input.height // 2),
                                       core.resize.Spline36(SecondEye, Input.width, Input.height // 2)])
        return InterFrameProcess(Input)

Works fine.
Any clue why using Avisynth fails and using Vapoursynth works? Reinstalling drivers didn't help.
(Using Win10 pro 64bit as OS.)

Cu Selur

Thanks! Reinstalling the drivers fixed the issue in Vapoursynth.

Cu Selur

When using Vapoursynth 64bit:

# Imports
import os
import sys
import vapoursynth as vs
core = vs.get_core()
# Import scripts folder
scriptPath = 'G:/Hybrid/vsscripts'
# Loading Plugins
# Import scripts
import havsfunc as havsfunc
# Loading F:\TestClips&Co\test.avi using LWLibavSource
clip = core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(source="F:/TESTCL~1/test.avi", format="YUV420P8", cache=0)
# making sure input color matrix is set as 470bg
clip = core.resize.Point(clip, matrix_in_s="470bg")
# making sure input color range is set to TV (16-235) scale.
clip = core.std.SetFrameProp(clip=clip, prop="_ColorRange", intval=1)
# adjusting frame count with Interframe/SVP
clip = havsfunc.InterFrame(clip, Preset="fastest", NewNum=60, NewDen=1, GPU=True)
# Output

I get: "SVSmoothFps: unable to init GPU-based renderer - code 255" any clue what I'm missing? (Got an NVIDIA Geforce 980 Ti with driver version 381.65)
(Interframe works fine when using through 32bit Avisynth 2.6 MT)

Cu Selur