Well, MadVR seems to be working perfectly and taxing my GPU up to 60% (After careful tweaking, down from 90%).

Guess I shouldn't worry too much about it?

Running Windows 10 Pro, older drivers seem really unstable/choppy on 10.


I've tried downgrading before to 15.7.1, no real effect. The driver went all wonky on me as well.

I've recently heard of and tried using SVP.

I've got a Q9400 and an HD 7870 with the newest Crimson drivers available after a fresh reformat. I've run into this issue where my GPU is not detected by SVP.

I'm sure the latest drivers support my card explicitly, as stated in their driver compatibility chart. Why isn't SVP detecting it?

Any help is appreciated.

Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/pXTwRhu.jpg