Blackfyre wrote:
Hecadoth wrote:

Followed a thread posted by someone here mentioning to use 120 frame to compensate for the video profile (makes everything look more smoother), I guess I'll have to revert it back to 60 FPS! Although, even then, I still get the same spikes so I'm pretty sure it has to do with the settings on MadVR. Will look into lowering it.

Might be one of my stupid threads from a few years ago? This certainly isn't the case anymore with SVP, and I am not sure if it was ever the case. I think it was just placebo back in the early days of the program.

Check your MadVR Upscaling setting. There's no need to show us a picture of General Settings in MadVR. It's the upscaling that's probably eating all your GPU power. Test out Jinc for upscaling and downscaling, should be good enough.

All fixed, had to lower my settings on MadVR and reduce framerate to 60, spikes were gone, GPU Usage remained constant at 66-70%. Thanks fellas! smile

MAG79 wrote:

Your GPU works with very high load. 89% is extremely high.

Did you try to reduсe madVR settings to get 60-80% of GPU load?
Windows is multitask system and it must have some free resources for system/background processes.

> Locked 120 FPS, running on a 43 INCH monitor, 60 hz
Why to not use 60 fps on 60 Hz monitor?
It is double work to GPU to render 120 frames to show only 60 of them. 60 frames are rendered to trash hmm

Followed a thread posted by someone here mentioning to use 120 frame to compensate for the video profile (makes everything look more smoother), I guess I'll have to revert it back to 60 FPS! Although, even then, I still get the same spikes so I'm pretty sure it has to do with the settings on MadVR. Will look into lowering it.

Been having issues with video stuttering every 5-10 minutes or so (random), I have a solid high-end build, not sure what is causing it?

-GPU Acceleration is checked
-Using the maximum threads on SVP (23)

SVP Profile (Locked 120 FPS, running on a 43 INCH monitor, 60 hz)

MADVR General Settings:

GPU Usage and Power spiking

Hello guys, was wondering what settings you have set for anime shows? Please recommend the best setting as my system is able to handle (1950X threadripper and 1080ti)

Also, currently using one of the old settings found on the forum but i've kept noticing occasional random screen freezes happening.. weird, anyone knows how to solve this? I'm running a 1080ti gpu, so it shouldn't be the issue.

I'd like the best maxed-out optimal settings for anime shows as the reddit thread that I visited shown settings a year ago.

Preferably one with artifacts masking disabled as I rather have the artifacts shown to enjoy the smoothness of the animation but if you have a way to minimize artifacts while having artifacts masking disabled, that'll be great!

I have an Intel Core i7 6700 and NVIDIA GTX 980 Ti (Not sure if graphic card has a part to play in it but I would just put it here)