(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Thanks, hopefully this will help someone out. I've archived it here for people finding this thread in future if the site goes down.

Also just FYI, something on your page is breaking the ability to right-click. Fortunately RightToCopy seems to fix it but you should probably take a look at that.

Blackfyre wrote:

This is very strange, your system is more than strong enough to handle 120FPS. Something is wrong, somewhere. Having seen the replies, I have by Chainik, he already explored most options for you.

Okay first of all don't set SVP to fixed FPS of 120. Set it to 5x video framerate.

Use MPC (Media Player Classic) + Madvr (in Madvr setting, go to rendering tab on the left menu, and then under it in Smooth Motion, make sure you enable it and select ALWAYS).

Right click SVP and go to video frame menu... select (choose both) KEEP Aspect Ratio and KEEP Normal Size... Untick (deselect) detect and cut off black bars.

Right click SVP and go to Outer Lighting menu... select disabled.

Right click SVP and go to Additional Settings menu... Go to GPU Acceleration and make sure you choose your GTX 1080 Ti


IF this fixes your issues and everything runs smoothly. Ask @Chainik to show you how to edit the full settings to make you choose 6x framerate. Because 6x framerate will be smoother than 5x. Your CPU should handle it.

I have a 4790K @ 4.6Ghz and a GTX 1070 and I can easily run 1080p content upscaled to 4K at 4x the framerate.

Native 4K content though is a different story.


OH and finally I forgot, right click desktop, go to nVidia Control Panel, go to Mange 3D Profiles on the left menu at the top, then go to Program Settings and find MPC, under Power Management Mode, choose Prefer maximum performance. And obviously make sure you're using the current latest drivers from nVidia.

Thanks for the assistance but this didn't help sad

Also I tried setting computation threads to a specific amount and it just crashed MPC

Chainik wrote:

may be for some reason 120 fps at resolution higher than FullHD is a bottleneck (video renderer? try simple EVR, madVR)

I tried different renderers and players before and that didn't help.

Setting it to fixed 60fps works perfectly, 75fps almost works and anything higher than that stutters, causing the video and audio to desync.

Just watching at 60fps instead works for me smile

Do you know what the bottleneck might be? The CPU and GPU usage don't seem to be noticeably lower at 60fps :S

Thanks for the help!

Chainik wrote:

App. settings -> Additional options -> Processing threads = Auto ?

Yep, it's already set to auto sad

It's worth noting that none of my cores get anywhere near 100% usage

This is the highest I can set it to while maintaining 1.0 svp index with "Film" preset


Chainik wrote:

if you're on 32-bit player - try MPC-HC 64-bit at the first place

I am using the 64-bit version of MPC-HC

Chainik wrote:

> 1800X

check that power plan is set to "high performance"

Thanks for the reply smile

It's set to high performance and I'm not having issues with performance in any other applications.


I'm trying to use SVP to watch videos that are:

  • Scaled up to 2548x1440

  • FPS increased to 120

This works great using the following settings:


However, if I change the mode from "Animation" to "Film", I cannot get anywhere close to 1.0 SVP index.

My CPU usage and GPU usage are never maxed out, so I don't know what the issue with it is.

My computer has an 1800X and a 1080 Ti, and is running on a Samsung 850 Pro SSD, so I don't know where the bottleneck could be.

Let me know how to proceed or if what I'm trying to do just isn't possible for some reason smile
