1,052 SVP not using discrete graphics

by AutumQueen92

1,053 SVPlight with Philips Hue?

by liweichen6

1,055 Update SVP 4 Pro

by OrbDark

1,057 svp index spiking each second

by empleat100

1,060 Support for higher than 144 fps?

by Mockedarche

1,068 video card suggestion

by fang

1,071 wrong framerate detected

by zxhzxhz

1,072 I don't see difference ?

by porcepic

1,075 How does SVPflow handle HDR?

by OpenSourceAnarchist

1,076 Transcode With mpv.conf Settings

by xXHenlolXx

1,077 Nvidia NGX support

by stefakamu

1,078 Dropped Frames

by aeneas1