2,581 MadVR integration?

by brucethemoose

2,584 Bug/Issues with svp4 on w10 gtx960

by Roberto Rossi

2,591 SVP 3.1.7 Script error

by kraag

2,593 Recommended settings for Intel NUC Core I3 4010u

by ionutm80 ( Pages 1 2 )

2,594 Which GPU is used by SVP?

by ionutm80

2,595 Input Playstation or Xbox

by charliebrowndf

2,602 Playing videos at 70 fps?

by iamthedutchguy

2,604 SVP uses YV12 instead of NV12?

by Nintendo Maniac 64

2,607 SVP 3.1.7 and Avisynth+

by trandoanhung1991 ( Pages 1 2 )

2,608 How do I restore letterbox?

by durand1035