1 (edited by AndreaMG 02-12-2012 11:52:51)

Topic: Maximum Smothness No Matter What

Hi guys,

While playing 23.976 movies I just want to know which options to select to achieve maximum smothness even if this means dealing with artifacts. My TV supports maximum 60Hz so I will interpolate 23 to 60, that's for sure big_smile (just out of curiosity I read somewhere that human eye cannot tell the difference of videos above 60fps, but I guess some of you interpolate to 100 or 120Hz screens, do you see any difference by doing that?)

Here Below the settings:

Interpolation mode

SVP Shader
which one gives the max smothness?

Motion Vectors grid
which one gives the max smothness?

Search radius
which one gives the max smothness?

Motion vector precision
which one gives the max smothness?

Wide search
which one gives the max smothness?

Processing of scene changes
which one gives the max smothness?

In order to obtain max smothness having to deal with the system power is preferable to use small motion vector grid values and set the motion vector precision at one pixel or is it better to use higher motion vector grid values and leave the motion vector precision at half pixel?

While playing 1080i50/60, if in Lav Video Settings is checked "video mode" you have a 1080p50/60 deinterlaced picture, SVP shows 1:1 convertion and does nothing even if option "processing of scene changes" is set to blend adjacent frames right?

In you opinion for 1080i50/60 videos is it right to deinterlace them in "video mode" wihout SVP? From what I know in a 1080i video each frame has half the inormations but each frame is also a different moment in time, so even if frames are in reality 1080 lines half 2 they indeed are 50 and 60 fps so there is no need for SVP, especially if you have a card that can handle adaptive (vector based) deinterlacing in order to rebuild the missing informations via vectors, just like SVP does, am I right?

Thanks smile

Re: Maximum Smothness No Matter What

You have serious questions. I need time to answer.

Re: Maximum Smothness No Matter What

I need time to answer.

yeah, and then post it right to the Wiki article  big_smile

4 (edited by AndreaMG 02-12-2012 17:49:30)

Re: Maximum Smothness No Matter What

From wikipedia:

"1080i differs from 1080p, where the p stands for progressive scan, where all lines in a frame are captured at the same time. In native or pure 1080i, the two fields of a frame correspond to different instants (points in time), so motion portrayal is good (50 or 60 motion phases/second). This is true for interlaced video in general and can be easily observed in still images taken from fast motion scenes. However when 1080p material is captured at 25 or 30 frames/second it is converted to 1080i at 50 or 60 fields/second, respectively, for processing or broadcasting. In this situation both fields in a frame do correspond to the same instant..."

In this second case to obtain smothness you have to deintelace in "film mode" and then intepolate the resulting 25p/30p video with SVP (Doctor Who BD 1080i50 for instance) smile

Re: Maximum Smothness No Matter What

human eye cannot tell the difference of videos above 60fps
Bullshit smile It is strange to talk about analog eyes with digital measures. Human can watch to moving object on screen and more fps at screen gives more sharpness to the object. It is true at any refresh rate. Even 1000 fps.
Real world have infinite fps. wink

some of you interpolate to 100 or 120Hz screens, do you see any difference by doing that?
Yes. I have one: Viewsonic VX2268wm (1680x1050 22" TN-120). And I see the difference. And many other people see it. Especially the gamers. Difference in sharpness in motion. wink

I will describe it later. It is not easy to describe to easy understand. wink

While playing 1080i50/60, if in Lav Video Settings is checked "video mode" you have a 1080p50/60 deinterlaced picture, SVP shows 1:1 convertion and does nothing even if option "processing of scene changes" is set to blend adjacent frames right?
There are no relations between option "processing of scene changes" and 1080i50/60 format. Do you understand what you wrote?

In you opinion for 1080i50/60 videos is it right to deinterlace them in "video mode" wihout SVP?
Of course. It is necessarily for all PC (progressive) monitors. Both With SVP and without.
I do hardware VA-deinterlace of 1080i50 video to 50p and after use SVP to get 60 fps. And I can do it all in the real-time. Interlaced video and SVP - it is possible (in Russian)

In this second case to obtain smothness you have to deintelace in "film mode" and then intepolate the resulting 25p/30p video with SVP (Doctor Who BD 1080i50 for instance)
No. In case with broadcasting interlace (telecine) you need to do IVTC with decimation. (NO deinterlace).
The aim to get source framerate (23.976, 24 or 25 fps). View telecined video with smoothness (in Russian)
You need to save video at source framerate and then you can use SVP.

in Russian topics you can use google translation and view the pictures. They tells more than just words. wink

Re: Maximum Smothness No Matter What

Maximum Smothness
OK. What you mean under these two words?

4. smoothness


the quality of having a level and even surface
"the water was a glassy smoothness"; "the weather system of the Pacific is determined by the uninterrupted smoothness of the ocean"
5. smoothness

the quality of being free from errors or interruptions
"the five-speed manual gearbox is smoothness personified"

In case with SVP defenitions #4 and #5 are opposite. We cannot achieve even surface of motions and free from errors (artifacts).
If you need uniform and even motion then it is definition #4. Then you need these settings:


Post's attachments

Max_smoothness_settings.png, 15.61 kb, 448 x 508
Max_smoothness_settings.png 15.61 kb, 617 downloads since 2012-12-02 

Re: Maximum Smothness No Matter What

Maximum Smothness
OK. What you mean under these two words?

    4. smoothness (noun)
    the quality of having a level and even surface
    "the water was a glassy smoothness"; "the weather system of the Pacific is determined by the uninterrupted smoothness of the ocean"
    5. smoothness (noun)
    the quality of being free from errors or interruptions
    "the five-speed manual gearbox is smoothness personified"

Thanks Mag, I'll look in the russian forum with google traslator smile
For smoothness I mean the opposit of jerky, I want to obtain via SVP something that resembles an actual 60fps footage, that's my goal, even at the expense of artifacts (blocks, or waves when I use complicated) big_smile

8 (edited by AndreaMG 03-12-2012 12:35:24)

Re: Maximum Smothness No Matter What

While playing 1080i50/60, if in Lav Video Settings is checked "video mode" you have a 1080p50/60 deinterlaced picture, SVP shows 1:1 convertion and does nothing even if option "processing of scene changes" is set to blend adjacent frames right?
There are no relations between option "processing of scene changes" and 1080i50/60 format. Do you understand what you wrote?

I thought that if SVP in "processing of scene changes" is set to "blend frames" instead of "repeat frames" it could do its magic without adding new frames by simply modifing the existing ones smile

Re: Maximum Smothness No Matter What

Scene change is a place where picture changed dramatically. Usually it is place of switching between cameras or of video cuts after editing.
The setting applies only to such places.

Re: Maximum Smothness No Matter What

moved to that thread